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Video & Audio: WW2 Lies: The Real SECRET Reason why Russia survived the German Invasion: The USA!!!
In October 1941, Hitler claimed that Russia had been totally defeated and it would never rise again. Modern Russians lie about WW2 claiming that they beat the Germans without any real help.

One thing I find as I deal with all kinds of Whites in South Africa is that the Whites who I see having the most problems are Boers/Afrikaners. When I see poor Whites, it is very possible, mostly Afrikaners. But I’ve not gone to each and every poor person and actually asked them. There might be some that are English because I’ve exchanged a few words with them. For us in southern Africa WE NEVER HAD WHITE POVERTY EN MASSE – for us this is UNKNOWN. I’ve been in places in America, like Portland, Oregon, and seen Whites sleeping on sidewalks. WE NEVER HAD THAT IN AFRICA EVER. Under White rule, WE NEVER HAD BUMS. You never ONCE saw a White person who is homeless and sleeping on a sidewalk. Now you see that. Now you see really broken Whites, Whites who are almost on the same level as Blacks. They bum off you, they beg at traffic lights AND you have White Criminals, perhaps even some White Criminals who team up with non-White criminals – but that’s not common. Most crime is conducted by groups of the same race. I’ve seen White poverty in SA. I’ve been in people’s homes. I had an Afrikaans girlfriend a decade ago, and she was in a sort of lower class White family and I met some of her family that was really dirt poor. I went to people’s houses where people were living like crap. People were super obese, poor and dirty. I’ve watched as some Whites really struggle to survive, and a lot of these people are Afrikaans. You get Afrikaners who are SUPER RICH TOO – there are Afrikaners/Boers who are BILLIONAIRES (in Rand terms). They hobnob with the rich. You get the full spectrum of people from the broken bums sleeping on sidewalks to Jew-loving, liberal-loving, billionaires and large numbers inbetween. There are many Afrikaners who have good jobs or very well placed businesses. The Afrikaners remain, unquestionably, the most powerful White tribe in Africa despite everything. The English are fewer in number and they focus on business. Some were in SA for most of their life. Some of them must have made millions and millions of rands, but now they are old and their businesses are dying and some of them are dumping their businesses. Make no mistake, Whites are still in South Africa and you even have millionaires, either Jews or other Whites from England who still live in South Africa and have fun here. Whites are not dead. Afrikaners are the most deeply embedded in society. They exist everywhere in every industry and they have small or large chunks of many pies. Afrikaners and other Whites also dominate certain industries. Health Care is where an insane amount of White skills and White money exists. I feel sorry for the Whites who struggle and struggle. They do what they can, but bit by bit they are losing and they become poorer, their minds eventually break and they can’t take it any more and they become broken. This is sad and bad. Make no mistake, Whites do try to help each other when they can. We do give each other good advice as best we can. But we don’t have the centralised power (yet) to be able to do big things. But don’t imagine that Whites are powerless. I watch in fascination how things are developing, and I’m seeing an "American aspect" kicking into society where after 30 years of hideous Black rule, I see certain patterns kicking in, and some of them are making me smile. I will still do a video about the future as it slowly comes into view. South Africa is going to mutate into something very interesting. ONE NOTE: MISCEGENATION AND WHITE MARRIAGE WITH OTHER RACES HARDLY EVER HAPPENS SO MISCEGENATION DOES HAPPEN BUT IT IS NOT COMMON AND IT IS FROWNED UPON BY MOST WHITES – THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE OF AFRIKANERS – NO WE WILL NOT BECOME BROWN IN THE NEXT 100 YEARS – THAT’S NOT HAPPENING.

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Video: The Greatest Talent of the Jews...
Sometimes, even the Jews tell the truth in an odd moment! I discuss two key talents that Jews have that are often overlooked but which are important.

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