Great Photos & memes: Tell all your friends: The JEWS did 911!


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Video: Professor Quigley: Evolution of Civilisation: How the American Elite Think
DONT MISS THIS VIDEO: This is one of the very most important videos I have ever made. I urge people to study this closely. What I am going to tell you in this video, are things youve definitely NEVER HEARD.

I really enjoyed this photo which was doing the rounds on the social media. I don’t know who these people are, but look at them holding up a banner across a highway with the message: The JEWS did 911! And that’s totally true. Totally true … a topic we’ll revisit in more detail. I’ll have to repost an important video in this regard.

Below are 3 videos I’ve posted so far on History Reviewed. But more will be coming:-

Video: The Jews had me fooled A Jewish engineered Pearl Harbour
I made this video in June 2015. It is only recently that I looked at 911, the physical & scientific evidence and realised the horrific Jewish connection staring me in the face!

You can view the video here:

Video: 911 Architects, Experts & Explosions
The scientific & engineering evidence shows clearly that the collapse of 3 buildings on 911 was from pre-planned explosions. THOUSANDS of people must have worked on the project to murder those people who died on 911! We look closely at an excellent documentary done by Architects, Engineers and scientists, specifically Physicists. It is well worth showing to people who believe that on 911 the buildings fell down due to being hit by planes. This in-depth documentary shows you the pure physics and engineering which indicates that these buildings were blown up.

Related books:-
Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World – by Christopher Bollyn –
Solving 9-11: The Original Articles – by Christopher Bollyn –

You can view the video here:

Video: 911 Experts Documentary
This is an excellent documentary done by Architects, Engineers and scientists, specifically Physicists. It is well worth showing to people who believe that on 911 the buildings fell down due to being hit by planes. This in-depth documentary shows you the pure physics and engineering which indicates that these buildings were blown up.

Related books:-
Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World – by Christopher Bollyn –
Solving 9-11: The Original Articles – by Christopher Bollyn –

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V04: TOP SECRET: The Jew who killed S.Africa‘s Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
This is the GREATEST POLITICAL SECRET in South African history. This is the never before told story of the Jewish machinations behind the assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. This has been a secret for decades. Jews have made every attempt to hide this bombshell.

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