Stupid Jewishness: Calling him BoJo – Maybe Bonobo better?
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Video: How Rhodesia & South Africa killed 1 million+ Blacks after Portuguese Collapse
This is the story of something that the Rhodesians kicked off in desperation after the Portuguese had collapsed. Its effect lasted decades and huge numbers of Blacks died and it had massive effects on a Black nation. In this video I also discuss many deeper things including my discussions with President PW Botha.
Video: How Rhodesia & South Africa killed 1 million+ Blacks after Portuguese Collapse
This is the story of something that the Rhodesians kicked off in desperation after the Portuguese had collapsed. Its effect lasted decades and huge numbers of Blacks died and it had massive effects on a Black nation. In this video I also discuss many deeper things including my discussions with President PW Botha.
I see the lying mass media call Boris BoJo. That sounds like a rather Jewy kind of name. Their “cute” little stupid names for people.
Maybe it would be better to compare him to a Bonobo MONKEY … except that one would be slandering the poor monkeys!
British is a dumb country for sure.
And their Royalty must be the dumbest Royals on the planet … kept as pets for the Rothschilds.
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Video & Audio: God of War: How Napoleon totally changed Warfare
In this video I discuss one of Napoleons great achievements. Napoleon changed warfare totally.
Video & Audio: God of War: How Napoleon totally changed Warfare
In this video I discuss one of Napoleons great achievements. Napoleon changed warfare totally.