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Get a Free PDF Book: The White Mans Bible (1981) By Ben Klassen
Im very pleased to be giving away this old classic, which is designed only for white people and it includes commandments for the White Race!NB: This is NOT normal religious spiritual stuff. This is based on NATURE, REALITY, HISTORY and SCIENCE.NB: NB: Ben Klassen was a very far thinking White man who was concerned for our race. The Church of Creativity was his creation. The Church of Creativity existed in America, Britain and even in South Africa. In South Africa it existed in the early 1990s and was run by a Professor. The concept of Whites as CREATORS is very import. CREATORS say: ‘Our Race is our Religion‘.

I have been delighted to see White South Africans waking up. They are waking up to things I never imagined they would. I can see it clearly as I monitor many things. It’s awesome.

To my amazement, in the last 2 months, for the first time in 20 years, I have had Rhodesians wanting to talk to me! I’ve had two long telephonic discussions with Rhodesians now. And, these Rhodesians are talking about Jews! I must be frank with you, I never thought in my lifetime that I would ever experience anything like this.

Now listen to this, because this is astounding. I’m even coming across people younger than me, and in some cases much much younger than me who were born either in Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia) or South Africa and who have ONLY EVER LIVED UNDER BLACK RULE. They don’t know what White rule was like. And … the White Right has redpilled them and they talk about Jews, NAZIS and RACE and European history!!! It is so AWESOME!

I’m very happy to see the Boers/Afrikaners functioning nicely in the English-speaking world alongside Americans and other Whites instead of hiding away in South Africa and never dealing with other Whites. They are 100% EUROPEANS and they have their place in Western Civilisation.

The numbers are not massive, but it is happening. The White Right must really pat itself on the back. Although we are divided and diverse, I am STUNNED at the way our team work is moving us forward.

When I began getting politically active in 2000, I kept thinking we Whites in Africa are few, BUT WE ARE PART OF SOMETHING MUCH LARGER and why doesn’t that huge thing, which we are a part of, help us? We’re NOT harming our civilization. We are STANDING UP FOR IT. We’re fighting for Western/European values. With time, I realised that the ONLY real friends we have are other Whites like us – other common folks like us. That’s our family, and that’s where we belong.

In Rhodesia and South Africa there was the feeling among us, as being outcasts and that the only people we can deal with are the non-Whites around us. When I became politically active, I realised, that ship is NOT a ship you want to sail on. We’ve tried it, and it’s IMPOSSIBLE. The ONLY place we belong is in our civilization with other European people like ourselves. 20 years ago, I began thinking seriously, about a White State or States in South Africa or Africa and I began to wonder if this is possible. I am totally convinced it is. Stick around. I’ll tell you more.

In Europe, I have supporters who were arrested by the cops and interrogated for some "information spreading they did" and the cops then let them go.

In Poland, a Politician named Mr Braun, took a fire extinguisher and he used it to put out the candles on a Jewish Menorah in the lobby of the parliament. The weak pathetic cucks proceeded to kick him out of parliament later. But it was awesome.

I want to tell you all that we must REDOUBLE OUR EFFORTS at fixing our race. THIS IS WORKING! It’s working really well.

The White Right is doing amazing work. Between us we have totally REMOVED the "Generation Gap". The Generation Gap was no doubt created in the first place by Jews with their propaganda. But we the White Right can really pat ourselves and each other on the back. We can REMOVE the GENERATION GAP and the young and the old can talk to each other without any problems.

I do feel sorry for the young Whites because they have very little hope in the future. I’ll discuss that in a video. But the most important TAKEAWAY is that WE CAN BRING OUR PEOPLE TOGETHER!!

So we really must dive in and work like fiends with every ounce of energy to speed this process up. We can and should turn the Western world ON IT’S HEAD. THIS IS WELL WITHIN OUR POWER TO DO.

The poor old beaten up, lied about and much maligned White Right, really has come far. We must not be depressed. Despite the Jews and the billionaires and Governments trying to smash us, we’ve managed to spread truths and concepts far and wide and I can see the HEALING PROCESS THAT IS TAKING PLACE.

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