Snuff Videos, Child Sacrifice, Child Torture and rape and other killing of White children for fun…
Boer Cartoon: Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!
This is well said. This sums up what is valid and allowed in South Africa.
One of my supporters, a lady raised the issue of Child sacrifice and torture. Just this morning I was reading about a very nasty case that occured in Belgium, where White girls were abducted and kept for rape, torture and murder.
It spoke of Police having videos of such things.
I know that Police have snuff videos where babies and children are killed and it’s filmed.
In the Belgium case a Jew may have been involved. In Italy there was a huge thing of this kind that went down some years ago.
This type of behaviour towards White children should result in the death penalty and execution.
But this seems to be related to paedophilia and it seems to be related to the elite and Jews.
What was the most bizarre thing I’ve heard of, is taking young White kids, naked and letting them loose in a forest for the elite to hunt them down and kill them. Then those who survive are hunted down by dogs.
There seems to be some kind of evidence for this.
One trend I’ve noticed for a long time, is how CRIME EVIDENCE is hidden from the public. This happens in South Africa all the time and has been going on for over 20 years. But it seems to happen everywhere.
I think for example, that ALL Crime scene photos for any crime should be MADE PUBLIC.
I think all videos that relate to all crimes should be MADE PUBLIC.
I think that Jews like Epstein, are just the tip of the iceberg. This could easily explain why the Western world has gone skew. The Jews either get rid of incorruptible Whites and replace them with their degenerates or degenerate allies OR they find Whites and corrupt them. This could include high level politicians, military and perhaps even European aristocracy.
I think all such people involved in these networks should be exposed and, depending on their level of guilt, should be executed.
I am CERTAIN that masses of interesting film footage lies in Police stations across the entire Western world. I think if even 1% of this stuff came out, the mass of Whites would be calling for the blood of the guilty.
But I notice that there is a protection system run to protect the super rich, the elite, Jews and others.
The way some of these outright murderers get away is horrific.
If only these pedophiles and child murders could get a day in court and everything is show to the court and the public, I think people would just tear down these elites – literally rip them to pieces.
These weird "satanist" and other creepy groups that do child sacrifice… I’m sure you’ll find Jews in there too.
And then there are those Jews that were caught in America, in 2009, including a bunch of Jewish Rabbis, who were into the selling of body parts.
I think horrific things are being kept from us, and that a lot of it, perhaps MOST OF IT, is there for Blackmail and Political control purposes.
But what we need is evidence … especially photo and film footage.
But you’ll see all that stuff in the hands of cops … is locked away.
Hidden in Police and military archives, must be the most insane kind of video and photo evidence that would make common Whites quite mad with rage if they knew it.
I wish we could get Whistle blowers for this kind of stuff.
Those involved in this, should be torn down, and smashed. Nobody would tolerate this evil shit.
Video: JEWS DID 911: World Trade Center Building 7: Foreknowledge of Collapse with Dr MacQueen
In this video you‘ll see how everyone knew WTC7 was going to collapse. The only thing missing from the video is that the JEW SILVERSTEIN admitted that he gave the ORDER to bring it down!