SHOCKER: USA: Three Retired LEFTIST SCUM Generals Loudly Demand A Military Coup In 2024 – My Comments


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2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
Since the blacks came to power, weve had the Russians here, getting our military technology. Now were helping out those peaceful Chinese communists who threatened to nuke LA. This is a special article from the late Adriana Stuijt in the Netherlands.

[This shows yet again how far the Jews and Commies have gone in destroying America. I never thought I'd ever see this. But what is mentioned clearly here are the OBAMA PURGES!!! Clinton started the first purges, but Obama did it on a massive scale. Now we see the results. Jan]

By Wolf Howling

Democrats claim that democracy is under attack in America and Democrats must act decisively to protect it. They’ve been trying to end the filibuster, nationalize voting, and pack the Supreme Court. The most ominous “fix,” which hinges on the myth of a “January 6 Insurrection,” sees retired generals argue that the military must purge the ranks of Trump supporters and prepare for a military coup to block a future contested election. This is unconstitutional, illegal, and spells the end of American democracy.

Victor Davis Hanson notes that leftists are loudly worrying about democracy’s end while ignoring all they’ve done to end democracy, such as bringing in millions of illegal aliens, many of whom are being given the vote; destroying centuries-old governing traditions such as the filibuster; packing the court; ending the Electoral College; and more.

If Democrats can kill the Senate filibuster (and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema is the only thing stopping them, not the craven Senator Mitch McConnell), they have the unfettered ability to enshrine vote fraud and pack the Supreme Court. The latter move spells the final—and deeply unconstitutional—progressive rewrite of our Constitution, and ends our constitutional republic.

The wild card in all of this, though, is what would the military do if, in fact, the progressives were able to achieve these goals (or even if they weren’t). Three retired officers have signaled that they want to purge the military of Trump supporters, and then plan a takeover of the military and related federal agencies that coordinate with the military to effect a coup in 2024. Considering the current state of the Pentagon, this may be more than a progressive fantasy.

Thirty years ago, when I was a U.S. Army Infantry Officer, our military was unquestionably a politically neutral, colorblind institution. It was the single most well-integrated institution in our nation and, indeed, was the primary engine integrating our nation. But progressives have done everything they can to turn the military into a dysfunctional machine warped by racial, sexual, and gender identity divisions. This began with Obama, who injected the toxic myth of white supremacy and the tenets of critical race theory.

In 2019, Kyle Smith explained:

A curious thing happened in the second half of the Obama era: The commander-in-chief began viewing the military less as an entity designed to destroy enemies but [sic] a tool with which to achieve progressive goals. Warriors were turned into social-justice warriors. Men and women with risible-to-nonexistent military records were made heads of the services. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus (who had logged all of two years’ service as a junior officer) named ships after Cesar Chavez and Harvey Milk.

Obama also purged the military of any flag rank officer not reliably progressive, a process Andrea Widburg document at her blog and at American Thinker (here and here). Those who remain today are nothing but progressive race hustlers, such as the odious Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, or traitorous politicians in uniform, such as General Mark “white rage” Milley.

Enter now three retired U.S. Army Generals: Major Generals Paul D. Eaton and Antonio M. Taguba and Brigadier General Steven M. Anderson (“the Three”). In a Washington Post opinion piece, “3 retired generals: The military must prepare now for a 2024 insurrection,” they contend that events in 2020 revealed an incipient military coup and that, to save our nation, the U.S. military must act preemptively—radically and unilaterally. What they write should frighten every American.

The Three assert that those unarmed Americans who, on January 6, did nothing more than quite innocently enter Congress, walk around, and then leave voluntarily, were all insurrectionists. They spout this deadly canard although no one arrested has been charged with 18 U.S.C. § 2381 (Treason), § 2383 (Rebellion or insurrection), § 2384 (Seditious conspiracy), or § 2385 (Advocating overthrow of Government). The Three stick to their risible narrative because only through lies can they scare people enough to accept their unconstitutional and illegal recommendations that, if accepted, will put the final nail in our national coffin.

To justify what’s essentially a military coup, the Three bemoan that “a disturbing number of veterans and active-duty members of the military took part in the attack on the Capitol.” They note that “[M]ore than 1 in 10 of those charged in the attacks had a service record.” That’s statistically meaningless. Well over 7% of all Americans are active duty or veterans—none of whom gave up all their First Amendment rights when they donned a uniform. Even active-duty soldiers can lawfully attend a political rally out of uniform.

The Three then contend that questioning an election’s legitimacy is tantamount to treason. Their authority? A “group of 124 retired military officials, under the name ‘Flag Officers 4 America,’ released a letter echoing Donald Trump’s false attacks on the legitimacy of our elections.” In other words, anyone who supports Trump or questions progressive legitimacy is a traitor to our nation.

The Three’s final example supporting their argument that the military must be purged is this:

Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino, the commanding general of the Oklahoma National Guard, refused an order from President Biden mandating that all National Guard members be vaccinated against the coronavirus. Mancino claimed that while the Oklahoma Guard is not federally mobilized, his commander in chief is the Republican governor of the state, not the president.

Mancino has a colorable legal argument. Thus, the governor could fire him if Mancino were to ignore his orders while he and the Oklahoma Guard are under state control.

Based on those three examples, the Three baldly assert, that “The potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines—from the top of the chain to squad level—is significant should another insurrection occur.” That’s a hysterical strawman, not facts or intelligence speaking. However, their recommendations clearly signal a proposed military coup.

First, they demand that the House Select Committee and Justice Department prosecute the “leaders who inspired” the “insurrection.” Under what possible charge, the Three do not say, but as is always the case with progressive justice for political enemies, sentence first—evidence afterwards.

Second, the Three utter a sentence I never expected to come out of the mouths of our military leadership: “[T]he military cannot wait for elected officials to act….”

That’s a stunning statement from anyone who understands our military history and our Constitution. The single most basic rule of our military is that it is wholly and completely under civilian control. So, what would the Three have the military do unilaterally?

Among other things, they argue that the military should undertake “intensive intelligence work” at every military base to “remove” those people they define as potential mutineers—i.e., Trump voters. This would be the U.S. military’s first ideological purge, one consistent with the old Soviet Union. Maybe Milley and Austin will install “political officers” in each unit.


[T]he Defense Department should war-game the next potential post-election insurrection or coup attempt to identify weak spots. It must then conduct a top-down debrief of its findings and begin putting in place safeguards to prevent breakdowns not just in the military, but also in any agency that works hand in hand with the military.

The intentionally muddy writing shouldn’t obscure that this is a plan for a military coup. The Posse Comitatus Act, 18 U.S. Code § 1385, prevents the military from acting as a police force within the U.S. under all but the most limited of circumstances. If the Defense Department is unilaterally planning to take over “any agency that works hand in hand with the military” to ensure progressives remain in power if the next election is contested, then our modern military will have recast itself in the mold of a Third World military junta.

Wolf Howling (a pseudonym) blogs at Bookworm Room.

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