WANTED: I am looking for shows to be interviewed on…


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Video: White Socialism WORKS: The Incredible German Christians, the Hutterites!
Youve been lied to about socialism and been misled into believing that only capitalism works. In this video youll see modern White Christians in Canada and America who function on socialist principles and youll be stunned at how well they live.

The recent events in South Africa, with this extreme violence and the issues that have come from it, have been great as a way of getting South Africa noticed again around the world. So I think it’s a great time to discuss South Africa on other shows.

I would like to ask folks to keep an eye open for opportunities for me to be interviewed on other shows. So if you know of shows which might be willing to have me on then let me know. I have had some people suggest shows like the Loving Life TV show which used to be on Youtube and which does a lot of South African stuff. But I very much doubt that people like that would touch me with a barge pole. But if you know of a show that might be interested in interviewing me, then let me know. HOWEVER, it is best if you can give me an email address in order to contact such people. It is even better if you can communicate with them and tell them about me.

Just give out my Contact Us page details on the top of my website.

I am convinced that what we are seeing in South Africa and also in neighbouring Mozambique are the beginning of enormously important things for the FUTURE. We have got non-White wars brewing right on our doorstep. This is major stuff for the distant future.

For me, these things are a portent of hope…

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