S.Africa: VERY IMPORTANT: WHITES WIN! – Weirdness: Black Communists and Jews: Who is paying the EFF’s legal cost orders? – AfriForum
ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.
[This is a very interesting article. It deals with the Black Communist Julius Malema. Afriforum is one of the biggest Afrikaans organisations that is fighting against Malema in court. They are taking the evil, white-hating Blacks to court quite regularly. It seems as if they have finally actually won a case against the EFF and the EFF has to pay them quite a nice sum of money. But, the lawyers for Malema are Jews, and now Afriforum is saying that there is something weird going on. It is as if the proofs of payment are being FALSIFIED. So something weird is going on. My best guess is that they need to HIDE who is paying the bills of the EFF. I think that's what this amounts to. So WHO is actually paying the EFF's LEGAL BILLS? That could be fascinating. Jan]
Falsified documents: AfriForum exposes dodgy EFF payments
9 November 2023
Earlier this week, AfriForum received an electronic proof of payment to the value of R316 000 from the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), which they had to cough up for legal costs owed to AfriForum. This payment stems from a cost order imposed on the EFF in September this year after the protracted land invasion case in which AfriForum was victorious.
In the meantime, it has come to light that the proof of payment document, which the EFF’s lawyers, Ian Levitt Attorneys, sent to AfriForum on 6 November 2023, contains many dubious details and therefore appears to be a falsified document. The funds mentioned above do reflect in AfriForum’s bank account although Standard Bank has confirmed that the proof of payment concerned has indeed been doctored.
The proof of payment, now confirmed as falsified, indicates tampering in a dishonest manner to falsely create the impression that the payment was made from an EFF account, when in fact it was made by an unknown financier.
Upon further investigation, AfriForum’s legal team also discovered that the EFF has also sent falsified proof of payments to other organisations. This revelation has been confirmed to AfriForum by Standard Bank today. It is common knowledge that Julius Malema, the EFF leader, has relations with questionable characters, which raises the question whether these funds originate from criminal activities.
Ernst van Zyl, AfriForum’s Head of Public Relations, asks: “Why did the EFF resort to tampering with a proof of payment and who is really responsible for paying the party’s debt? What is the EFF hiding and who is it trying to protect? If the EFF goes to such lengths to cover their tracks, it raises the question of what other secret activities the party is involved in. Ultimately, for the time being, we can only wonder who the secret funder behind their payments is, and why its so important that his identity be hidden at all costs,” says Van Zyl.
AfriForum’s private prosecution unit has been instructed to investigate possible criminal offences, such as forgery and uttering, as well as fraud. Adv. Gerrie Nel and his team will launch a full-scale in-depth investigation to trace the trail of this falsified proof of payment, the purpose of which appears to be an attempt to veil the identity of an EFF benefactor. With the help of its private prosecution unit, AfriForum will expose what the EFF is so desperate to hide.
“This major, suspicious development in the ongoing story of the EFF’s legal debts to AfriForum has wide-ranging implications. Has this anonymous financier been declared to the Independent Electoral Commission? And is this an ongoing modus operandi employed by the EFF? The multiple other proof of payments to other organisations that have now been confirmed to be falsified as well, indicates this to be the case. AfriForum will keep its members and the public up to date,” concludes Van Zyl.
Issued by Ernst van Zyl, AfriForum, 9 November 2023
Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
This is part 1 of the 6 part series I did on The Great Jewish Mask.