S.Africa: Jewish Owned Dis-Chem Pharmacies sticks to its guns over no whites employment moratorium

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Durban – Dis-Chem Pharmacies is standing firm behind ‘no whites’ employment moratorium.

At the weekend, the group faced criticism following a leaked letter to staff on a decision to refrain from hiring white staffers for posts.

The letter to all senior management, dated September 19, 2022, states:

“A moratorium is placed on the appointment of white individuals. This includes external and internal appointments.”

Dis-Chem Pharmacies CEO, Ivan Saltzman, said following a review of both the Employment Equity profile in the organisation and the recent BBBEE verification process, it was evident that the organisation’s efforts to effect transformation in terms of its employee profile remained inadequate.

“We deeply value our employees and appreciate their contribution to Dis-Chem. We stand by the unequivocal imperative to continue our transformation journey. Equality, diversity and inclusivity are important throughout Dis-Chem and we continue to make great strides in ensuring that we maintain progress in this area.

“We have always been cognisant of the imperative to comply with all legislation including employment equity on our journey to meet transformation targets, and with a priority of employment on merit, based on our view of giving employment preference to previously disadvantaged communities. We are a proudly South African business, which promotes inclusivity and representation of all South Africans, in their capacity as key stakeholders,” the board said.

The board said it regretted the wording and tone of the internal memorandum that had been erroneously widely shared.

“We acknowledge that it did not reflect our values. its release did not follow our correct internal vetting processes and steps have been put in place to ensure that, going forward, relevant checks and balances are thoroughly duly performed. More importantly. we sincerely regret the offence and distress it caused to so many people,” it said.


Source: https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/kwazulu-natal/dis-chem-pharmacies-sticks-to-its-guns-over-no-whites-employment-moratorium-1a4d612b-5ba9-4111-a6b1-107fdbae5992

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