S.Africa: DIVERSITY IS HELL: When Blacks do as they please… They can sing: Shoot to Kill, Kill the Boer… and Whites are helpless…

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2007: S.Africa: AIDS: Drug Resistant TB: People will die like flies in southern Africa
This was an article I published from a White pathologist in S.Africa. AIDS and TB combine to kill lots of Blacks. The pathologist sent me some really interesting info in this article.

[One of my supporters in America sent me a video of Julius Malema in a stadium singing: "Shoot to Kill" and Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer, etc. Jan]

He wrote:-
Evening my Brother; saw this on telegram, wanted to share with you. This kind of shit makes my blood boil.

I replied:-
It is Julius Malema. He is tremendously hated by all Whites here but he is protected by JEWS and by the GOVERNMENT. Never at ANY TIME will you see the Black Government (the ANC) getting angry about this. You will NEVER see the President, nor ANY of the Government Ministers, ever criticising him.

All the "Whites" who side with Malema are JEWS!!!

Malema gets money – big money – even from outside South Africa. He flies first class.

Jews are behind that sack of shit.

Lots of Whites have gone and laid charges against Malema and the courts and the Police and the STATE protects him!!! He’s never spent one day in jail yet he has incited his followers who have in their turn killed Whites.

He’s been at this since 2010. That was when I first began watching him.

This is how diversity works. When they are in charge they do anything the hell they want with the law. If a White man or woman curses a Black, they go to jail. But if a Black incites MURDER and is linked to murders … he walks free.

This is what Jewish Liberalism brings you.

Make no mistake. Malema is intensely hated by the Whites and many have tried to take him to court. Jews protect him as does the Government.

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Video: What Hitler tried to teach Germans and ALL Whites
White peoples minds have been so rotted and misled on extremely important questions that I think most whites, and even many National Socialists (NAZIS) dont comprehend some of the lessons Hitler was trying to teach the Germans.

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