S.Africa: Another very rich Jewess or deeply in with the Jews? Magda Wierzycka
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Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.
Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.
You can read the article on my AfricanCrisis website: https://wp.me/p9tDcf-L7
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Nation Revisited
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.
Nation Revisited
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.