INCREDIBLE Roman Patriotism: It is sweet & proper to DIE for the Fatherland! – Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori


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[The Roman Army and the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire was one of the greatest creations of our race. The Roman Empire was the longest lasting Empire we whites had in Europe, and it dominated the entire Mediterranean. The Romans have been copied over and over in the way we design our modern states, but the fact is, that for the most part, except on rare occasions, we do not come close to the excellence of the Romans. We are nothing like them.

I found this Roman Poem which gives an understanding of the INTENSITY of the Roman love for their state. It is this type of intensity which we whites must inculcate FOR EACH OTHER! We must be like this, for each other and only then will we really get rocking and rolling and we’ll smash anything that stands in our way. These are the types of values we must have if we are to succeed and become unstoppable. This is what Hitler was trying to create.

Now the Roman army is very misunderstood too, and we’ll delve into it. It was a fabulous organisation of intelligent, determined white men.

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Detail of the inscription over the rear entrance to Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. The inscription reads: “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori”.

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori is a line from the Roman lyrical poet Horace‘s Odes (III.2.13). The line can be translated as: “It is sweet and proper to die for the fatherland.”

As a consequence of Wilfred Owen incorporating the phrase into his similarly titled poem, “Dulce et Decorum Est”, it is now often referred to as “the Old Lie”; see below.



The poem from which the line comes, exhorts Roman citizens to develop martial prowess such that the enemies of Rome, in particular the Parthians, will be too terrified to resist the Romans. In John Conington‘s translation, the relevant passage reads:

Angustam amice pauperiem pati
robustus acri militia puer
condiscat et Parthos ferocis
vexet eques metuendus hasta
vitamque sub divo et trepidis agat
in rebus. Illum ex moenibus hosticis
matrona bellantis tyranni
prospiciens et adulta virgo
suspiret, eheu, ne rudis agminum
sponsus lacessat regius asperum
tactu leonem, quem cruenta
per medias rapit ira caedes.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori:
mors et fugacem persequitur virum
nec parcit inbellis iuventae
poplitibus timidove tergo.

To suffer hardness with good cheer,
In sternest school of warfare bred,
Our youth should learn; let steed and spear
Make him one day the Parthian’s dread;
Cold skies, keen perils, brace his life.
Methinks I see from rampired town
Some battling tyrant’s matron wife,
Some maiden, look in terror down,—
“Ah, my dear lord, untrain’d in war!
O tempt not the infuriate mood
Of that fell lion I see! from far
He plunges through a tide of blood!”
What joy, for fatherland to die!
Death’s darts e’en flying feet o’ertake,
Nor spare a recreant chivalry,
A back that cowers, or loins that quake.[2]


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