Republican Party Threatens President Trump – If He Announces He’s Running in 2024 GOP Will Stop Paying Legal Fees


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Africa: Witchcraft fears: Newborn babies bashed to death
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The GOP elites won’t turn over the party to President Trump. They’ve tried to stop him every step of the way but they can’t because he represents America and his base is too large.

GOP leaders turned the other way when the 2020 Election was stolen from President Trump. Several RINOs even voted to impeach the President.

The Old Guard can’t stand President Trump. They like their hold on power in the GOP at the local, state, and federal levels. They have the rest of the party scared to do what is right and dig into the 2020 Election steal and work to prevent this from ever happening again.

Corrupt actors have invaded the GOP at all levels. Many of these individuals are Democrats. They hate President Trump and the base of the GOP.

The GOP leadership doesn’t want the truth behind the 2020 Election to be revealed. Neither do the Democrats. America and President Trump are the victims. Now top US politicians all want to prevent President Trump from ever running again.

The GOP elites never wanted a popular outsider. The criminal and corrupt actors continue to do what they’re doing.

We’ve seen an attempted coup of the President during his entire first term made up of Hillary lies and backed by a corrupt DOJ and FBI. We’ve seen multiple actors in President Trump’s White House show their true colors. They were not patriots. They were turncoats. Their mission was to destroy his presidency.

The Democrat Party has been taken over by the Chinese, the cartels, and communists while the GOP elites beg for sound bites. They are so weak and lost.

The gap between the GOP and their base, the Trump base, the largest political base in US history, is huge. The GOP hates their base.

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Now the GOP is threatening President Trump. It’s reported that the GOP will not pay President Trump’s legal fees if he runs for President. We know they’ll do it because they took money after the 2020 steal and did nothing for the President back then.

The only reason they have any money is because of Donald Trump. But they won’t help him.

The Daily Mail reports:

Republicans will stop paying Donald Trump‘s legal expenses if he announces he’s running for president in 2024, according to a new report published on Thursday.

The Republican National Committee has shelled out millions of dollars to law firms representing the former president amid government investigations and probes of his business interests.

But officials also worry that Trump could hurt the party’s midterms prospects if he announces a presidential run before this year’s elections.

An RNC official told ABC News that Trump would lose financial support as soon as launch a campaign because of the party’s ‘neutrality policy’ that bars it from taking sides in primaries.

RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel spelled out the stance in an interview in January.

‘The party has to stay neutral,’ she said. ‘I’m not telling anybody to run or not to run in 2024.’

Today’s GOP leadership is small, lost and ineffective but they think they own the party.

They will continue to fight to keep their corrupt ways while their base, the Trump base, will win and eventually replace them all.

This can’t happen soon enough.


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2006: S.Africa: Shocker: 300,000 died from AIDS last year
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