Red Pill Kit: How to wake Whites up FAST? – What are the best methods?


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BIG BLACK LIES ABOUT APARTHEID! The lie that Whites killed MILLIONS of Blacks!
Here in South Africa, black Govt ministers have even said in Parliament that Apartheid killed MILLIONS of blacks. This is a total lie.

[An American wrote to me telling me that she was going somewhere and she wanted some advice on how to wake up Whites, especially to the JQ (Jewish Question). So this is what I wrote back to her. In a recent #TeamWhite show, Alfred Schaefer mentioned that EVERYONE must dive in and take part in this, and I totally agree. Even if you wake up 2 or 3 people you've done a big job. Wake up all Whites because our people as a whole will do the right thing. There is no doubt in my mind. Once people are awakened, and we hit CRITICAL MASS … you'll see so many things happening. PS: I welcome any feedback from Whites regarding: (a) What Red Pilled you and woke you up? (b) What method did you use that worked successfully on someone else? (c) Did you try to wake someone up but failed? If so, explain why. (d) What videos or books or info can we put together in a Red Pill Toolkit that would help to wake up Whites? I think if we improve our methods and we all dive in with every ounce of energy we have, you'll see big things. Already, in just a few years, I've seen bigger and bigger moves. WE CAN CHANGE ALL OF OUR CIVILISATION. I can see that people are growing ever more tired of white Liberalism/Diversity/Transgender and other Jewish crap. Jan]

This is what I wrote to her:
I suppose you are looking for a "Red Pill kit". I am so happy to see
that you are making an effort. More and more Whites are, but there are
NEVER TOO MANY WHITES. We need to all put our backs into this because we
must reach the saturation point where things just take off by
themselves – like a nuclear reaction. So just red pill like crazy.

You said someone told you: A fellow nationalist gave me the good advice: You are never wasting your time so long as you are exposing the Jew.

Yes, that is 100% correct. In fact, JEWS are at the top of the list. That is the most important thing to focus on. That is always must. But it’s not easy.

re: Demographic groups.
Go after anyone. As long as they are our race, JQ them. Regardless of age. You might find among the old especially WW2 types that they will not be keen to hear that Hitler was good and that they fought on the wrong side. Maybe with them focus on Jews stirring up Blacks, or 911.

One possibility is to give out VIDEOS for people to watch. Some videos that are excellent is Hitler, the Greatest Story NEVER Told. But one in particular that worked for friends of mine was: 911 Architects – the one where the architects talk about the buildings being blown up. That video worked even for friends in Europe where they couldn’t get through to them on any other topic, but people were convinced by that.

See how people respond to the illegal immigrants pouring into the USA. That should really be a sore point. And whenever you talk about a topic, try to find some way of throwing "Jew" in there so that it begins to trigger that link. e.g. Jews behind BLM or behind communism or black violence.

Feel free to write back to me and tell me about your experiences. What worked and what didn’t.

I’ve got important videos that I’ve been preparing with the aim of waking whites up. I will put them out.

Oh, I forgot, LOTS of people have told me how that little free booklet: THE GREAT JEWISH MASK, woke them up. People in America and people from across the world have raved about it. So maybe give that away too. It is only 40 pages long and it rocks people.

BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO YOU MUST WATCH IS THIS ONE THAT’S COMING NEXT: "Keeping Whites DOWN: Scientific & Historic FACTS that have to be HIDDEN from Whites." I’d like this to be spread far and wide. I put an immense amount of work into this and it should work for ALL whites everywhere. I’m keen to see how people respond to it. It’s unlike anything I’ve put out before. But it’s critical.

Don’t tell people what to do. Just WAKE THEM UP!

From my discussions with people, I realised that ALL the roads lead back to the Jews. So it does not matter which angle works the best. Even something like COVID Vaccines can lead them back to Jews. The main thing is to make them realise that at least ONE "conspiracy theory" is REAL. Once they realise this, then their minds will lead them quickly to the others.

So when you approach someone, try to see which particular thing draws the most positive response and then zero in on it.

We need to wake our race up at the fastest possible pace.

I hope this hodge podge of stuff helps to guide you. Feel free to write back to me and tell me about your experiences. I think I should generally ask people again for info and to also build up a "Red Pill Kit" of videos or documents that help.

Another excellent book is: The Myth of German Villainy. Brilliantly written. But you can’t find it any more. They don’t print it but there are videos about it and audio books too.

There’s a LOT of work to do, but just dive in and do it.

This decade is just going to get wilder and we need to prepare people. The GREAT NEWS is that people are red pilling faster and faster. We must just keep pushing hard. We will have LIFT OFF at some point. And if our entire race can lift off together, it’s going to be awesome. Amazing and incredible things are possible … things that people just won’t believe can happen … WILL HAPPEN.

I know our race. I’ve read tons of history, and do so almost daily. Amazing things are possible.

I’m totally convinced that our entire race has quietly had it’s freedoms taken away and the Jews have us cornered like a bunch of cattle/sheep and they want to keep us quietly in our pen. And we need to make a BIG BREAK FOR FREEDOM, and it’s VERY POSSIBLE.

I hope this little bit could help you. Good luck and give me feedback. I’ll ask other people for feedback too.

PLEASE DON’T MISS THAT VIDEO THAT I’m Putting out in the next few days. I put a massive amount of work into it to try and reach whites regardless of location, regardless of belief and to tear them away from liberalism.


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Video & Audio: Enormous Lies about the Confederates & the Evil Malice of the Freeing of the Slaves
In this show we discuss the Confederates and the American Civil War which took America in the wrong direction and which negatively impacts America to this day.

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