READER: Your BEST assessment of Jews is: JEWS107: How Jews think: Emotional Vs Logical Thinking & its consequences for everyone
Video: God said: Exterminate the Blacks: The Harry Knoesen Story S.Africa
Lots of Whites say that Christians will never fight. Here is a story unlike any other. This is the strange story of the CRUSADERS, the (NCRM) National Christian Resistance Movement of South Africa. This was a Christian Racialist who had former SADF special forces, Recces with him. They wanted to seize back South Africa for WHITES! This took place in 2018 and 2019. We study what Harry did and the many strange twists and turns in this strange story.
When I did this audio, I was sure I had the Jew totally figured out, including how and why “Jews Jew” (to quote Tan Staafl). How does this race of total shit actually THINK? What is their real game? Why do they act the way they do? How do the filthy minds of this race of cowardly shit actually work?
But nobody seemed to have noticed what I said. Related to this, which I have completed, but not put online is: Jews are Managers, Whites are Workers, Soldiers, etc
Between these two audios, I’m describing a lot of the mechanics of Jews Versus whites and I’m trying to show, WHY WE ARE LOSING TOO.
THIS RACE OF SHIT CAN BE DEFEATED. THEY HAVE BEEN DEFEATED. They are afraid of us in certain respects. In other respects they spit in our faces.
Here is my reader’s comment:
This is one of the most insightful analyses of the alien mindset of “The People of the Lie” on the Internet!!!
It should be at the top of your main page and remain there!!
Video: S.Africa: 1 Boer fights 2 Blacks like a Boss!
The Whites in SA are not dead. Don‘t write off the Boers. You‘ve not seen the last of the Boers yet.