Reader: NASA is lying about Mars – My response: The theory that NASA lies about space


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VIDEO: BIG RUSSIAN LIES: How many Russians have died in the Ukraine war?
Putin and the Russian Government tell insane lies about how many Russian troops have died. In this comprehensive article and this short BBC video you will see the best estimates I can give based on all the data I have seen about how many Russian and Ukrainian Troops have actually been KILLED up to 16th June 2023.

A reader wrote this regarding a post I put up about the first helicopter that will fly on Mars: You believe we go to Mars I got a bridge to sell you. NASA is full of Free Masonic liars

I replied to him as follows:
I studied astronomy from an early age and it was my hobby, and yes there were things I really thought were wrong. I also believed in UFOs and many things. But with age I’ve changed my views. You will find that the Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese and the Europeans are all doing things in space. So you would have to explain that. Furthermore, there is so much from European history and the history of astronomy that you do not seem to appreciate. The liars can only lie to a certain degree in science, especially when it comes to physical things. You need to reassess science.

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