Rare Truths from a Jew: What the Jewish Communist I. F. Stone said about Blacks


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Boer Fight for Freedom (1902)
Here is a really old, historical book written shortly after the 2nd Anglo Boer War. It is 634 pages long and includes photos, illustrations and maps. This book was written by an Irishman who was a member of the British House of Commons. He was so OUTRAGED by this war started by the British that he resigned from his position in 1899.

[It is rare for a Jew to tell the truth, especially a racial truth, but the American Jewish Communist said these quite damning, yet totally true things about the blacks. The key point here is that freedom for the blacks means joblessness. This is very true here in Africa and its getting worse. Jan]

I.F. Stone on the black dilemma: ‘The American negro was condemned to live in Egypt, but it was an Egypt that had already built its pyramids and no longer needed slaves. ‘Mechanization on the farm and automation in industry have at last set him free, but now freedom turns out to be joblessness.’ ‘A technologically sophisticated society has no use for these people. They are redundant. They are good for nothing.’

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Get a Free PDF Book: Rivonia Unmasked!
This is the amazing story of how Jews in S.Africa guided Blacks and helped Blacks to plan a MASSIVE RACE WAR to SLAUGHTER the Whites of S.Africa. This was almost like a 911. The Afrikaners caught the Jews and the Blacks red-handed. I will turn this into an audio book as well. It‘s a stunning story that is very much hidden and forgotten.

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