Quotes:What Jews are really interested in…


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Video: Hitlers Women: A Quick Overview of some of his LOVE interests!
In this video I want to quickly show people some of the beautiful women that Adolf Hitler either had as girlfriends or he had sex with them or some kind of love interest in them. Im looking at women prior to Eva.

Here are two excellent quotes:-

“Over time, whoever controls the money system controls the nation.” – Stephen Zarlenga (1941 – 2017)

Quotes of Nahum Goldmann:
The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar, and other places for the establishment of a Jewish Fatherland, but they wanted absolutely nothing except Palestine, not because the Dead Sea water by evaporation can produce five trillion dollars of metalloids and powdered metals; not because the sub-soil of Palestine contains twenty times more petroleum than all the combined reserves of the two Americas; but because Palestine is the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, because Palestine constitutes the veritable center of world political power, the strategic center for world control. I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and protesting.

Note: The quote above is very interesting in that the FED has always been headed up by a Jew (or a Jew lackey). The heads of the FED banks are the same. When you follow the money behind MLM and Antifa etc. you will find Jewish faces, names, and their money.

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