Preppers for SHTF: #1 Item to Hoard – FOOD…


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[This is from a prepper website and they obviously are trying to sell their products. But the basic principle of having some extra food has value. I used to know people who said that at any time you need 1 year's worth of food. I don't think it's necessary to go that far. And you need to adjust depending on the seriousness of the situation. I also hoarded food at times long ago when it really was not necessary. So I suggest a more moderate approach. I would say you should try to have at least 1 month's worth of food available at any time. Maybe a bit more, depending on where you live, like South Africa. Don't go too wild. And stick to simple stuff. Don't make it too expensive either. I think a lot of preppers go too far and it's ultimately not really justified. The real reason to keep food is for when things fall apart. The elite are using every trick in the book to keep the scams going and to pretend things are not falling apart. The rich are like Gods, and anything the scum say, is regarded as true and valid. They have a lot of power still. But it will break at some time. Jan]

According to leading industry sources, grocery stores across the United States are worried about food shortages.

Experts say more grocery hoarding is coming as disruptions have now pushed America’s food supply "near its breaking point".

As a result of this crisis, survival food is more important than ever.

If you don’t take action or if you stockpile the wrong foods, you could be setting your family up to go hungry in a time of crisis.

It sounds harsh, but the truth is too many people with good intentions are making critical mistakes with their survival food.

Mistakes like…

  • Getting MREs with a 5-year shelf life – depending on where you purchase them from they could be near expired…
  • Getting gross survival foods that are tough to stomach and so high in salt, MSG and preservatives you could clog your arteries and get yourself sick…
  • Or simply getting the wrong foods and leaving a critical hole in your meal plan, which means your family can become malnourished…

Well, I decided not to worry anymore.

Obviously, waiting for the government to give me a handout in a crisis just isn’t an option for me. And I was completely turned off by the crazy high cost of survival food sold by most other stores.

That’s why I ordered my very own stockpile of the best-selling 4Patriots Survival Food Kits.

Currently 4Patriots survival food kits are in stock and literally flying off the shelves because:

  • 4Patriots Survival Food Kits are a tremendous value. This is not ordinary food. This is delicious, nutritious, good-for-25-years super survival food that protects you from going hungry in a crisis. This is high quality survival food without any fillers or poor-quality "frankenfood" that the other guys use to pad their survival meals. They are made right in the U.S.A. and you won’t believe how inexpensive these kits are – just a fraction of what some other brands charge.
  • There’s no fancy packaging, it’s military-grade sturdy stuff and can stand up to the crazy things that happen in a crisis. This food has a shelf life of up to 25 years, so you have complete peace of mind for the long term. And they’re using the most compact kits so you can store them anywhere in your house without any extra hassle. They’re sturdy, waterproof and stack easily. And extremely covert too.
  • You can make these meals in less than 20 minutes. Just add boiling water, simmer, and serve. I tried ’em and I think they taste as good or better than any other survival food I’ve ever had. And you get a whole slew of choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner so you don’t get stuck eating the same thing day-in and day-out.

➡ Demand is surging – get your survival food right here


Right now, demand for 4Patriots survival food is through the roof.

The phones are ringing off the hook, and our team is working around the clock to keep up. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it.

Other survival food producers are completely out of inventory or on backorder for weeks, meaning they are taking orders and payment, but not sending it out for weeks, if at all.

Worse, we’re seeing some groups increase their prices 50% or more overnight to take advantage of people looking to stockpile supplies.

That’s NOT what we do here at 4Patriots.

In fact, we are proud to provide our survival food kits, which are ready for immediate shipment, at the same prices today as we did way back in 2013.

Our food kits are in stock and ship within 5-7 days and our food kids are made in the USA.

Life-saving survival food is difficult or impossible to find anywhere else right now.

As a loyal reader, you are one of few people in the country who know where to get survival food during this emergency situation.

At this rate, we will run out soon, so now is the time to act and get what you need…

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