Please Write to Matt Hale’s Mom


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Video: GOOD NEWS! All Human Society, including White Nations are inherently UNSTABLE!
Many Whites seem to believe that Western Nations are rigid and that no serious change is possible in them. This is quite a deep discussion about how a nation state really works and why even the most stable appearances are totally misleading.

[Folks, Branden Hall does excellent work for our Brother the Reverend Matt Hale, jailed for no reason. Branden has given out information below about Matt Hale's Mother. As you can imagine she is heartbroken at the fact that her son might remain in prison for the rest of her life. So please remember to write to her. We all have a lot of work to do. Jan]

Dear Supporters,

Ms. Hutchenson was recently hospitalized and is doing unwell from what I gather. She has since been returned to the nursing home.

A supporter brought to my attention that I had given you the wrong address to her nursing home. In particular, the zip code was wrong. I had been in email communication with her so I never tried the address nor did I check it on the Internet. Unfortunately, I was given the wrong address (attached).

Here is the correct address. Please send her a get well card if you have a moment. Thanks.

Ms. Evelyn Hutchenson
River Crossing of East Peoria
900 Centennial Dr.
East Peoria, IL 61611

Free Matt Hale!

Branden Hall

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S.Africa: Black Efficiency: Post Office delivers package 13 years late
A White Family in S.Africa had this crazy experience! The Post Office is worthless. It was bankrupt recently ... AGAIN!

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