Pics: Anger at the Jewish Billionaire over his $590 million Super Yacht – He deletes pic & hides on yacht


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Video: Jewish Comedian Sarah Silverman on the role of the Jews in killing Jesus Christ...
This should interest the Christians and Muslims. Listen to this female Jewish comedian discussing the Jewish role in the killing of Jesus.

[I am pleased to hear about this kind of anger. I checked, this scumbag Jew's parents met in Palestine and then headed to the USA. These super rich need to be beheaded in my view. The Jewish bag of shit is worth almost $8 billion. Jan]

Billionaire David Geffen deleted his Instagram after being slammed for a post about how he’s self-isolating on his $590 million superyacht

Billionaires are self-isolating on superyachts, and they’re not afraid to show it.

On Saturday, David Geffen shared on Instagram that he was "isolated in the Grenadines avoiding the virus," with photos of his $590 million super yacht, Rising Sun. Rising Sun has famously hosted celebrities from Oprah to Barack Obama to Jeff Bezos.

"Sunset last night," one photo was captioned. "I’m hoping everyone is saying safe."

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Thanks, David Geffen, for your thoughts.

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3:03 PM – Mar 28, 2020
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But people on the internet didn’t take kindly to the tone-deaf nature of Geffen’s post. In fact, the backlash was so swift that Geffen has since deleted his Instagram altogether.

The response to Geffen’s post is just the latest example of celebrities and ultra-wealthy people being criticized and called out for posting photos from their mansions and sharing "uplifting" singing videos as people around the world deal with issues like mass layoffs and loss of income during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The Hoarse Whisperer@HoarseWisperer

“You walked in… to the party
Like you were walking onto a yacht…”

There’s a reason people thought Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain” was about David Geffen. …


Thanks, David Geffen, for your thoughts.

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4:53 PM – Mar 28, 2020
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Sven Henrich

David Geffen sends a message:

You poor plebs can suck it.
It’s fabulous to be rich.
Look at me!
h/t @litcapital

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4:24 PM – Mar 28, 2020
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· Mar 28, 2020

Thanks, David Geffen, for your thoughts.

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David Geffen is out-of-touch. Maybe if he made a large donation for medical protective gear for our overworked nurses, doctors & medical staff, he wouldn’t come off as an elitist jerk.

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6:23 PM – Mar 28, 2020
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Meghan McCain

David Geffen is worth 8 billion dollars! For God’s sake help this country get ventilators, our health workers masks and the medical supplies they need! Or no, just stay on your fucking yacht instagramming. This is just shameful and grotesque. …

ian bremmer

Glad that David Geffen is ok.

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10:50 PM – Mar 28, 2020
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Robby Starbuck

· Mar 28, 2020

Is anyone shocked that Democrat donor David Geffen posted such an out of touch photo? He might as well have taken a picture flipping everyone in America off.

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Robby Starbuck

David Geffen’s thought process: "Hey you know what, millions are losing their jobs, can’t pay their rent and they’re worried about a deadly pandemic, I bet they’d love to know how I’m doing. Fire up the copter so we can take some more pics of my yacht! They’ll love this!!!" ?

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5:05 PM – Mar 28, 2020
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Business Insider previously reported that billionaires were flocking to charter superyachts so they can escape the coronavirus pandemic. Yachts are generally assumed to be cleaner than standard cruise ships because of rigorous maintenance routines, but they can be pricey to charter. Some go for $120,000 a week plus crew costs, while others can set you back as much as $600,000 a week.

Meanwhile, cruise ships around the world are still being rejected from ports as passengers become sick, and commercial airline travel has fallen so steeply that the industry is looking for a bail out. Private plane use, however, is on the rise.


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Video & Audio: South African Jews worked secretly to destroy White rule
We take a look at the testimony of the Scottish Member of Parliament, George Galloway, who was an enemy of the Whites of South Africa and Apartheid. He travelled secretly to South Africa during Apartheid.

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