Pic: S.Africa: The BEST Boer/Farmer humor ever!
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Afrikaanse Boeke op AfricanCrisis
Hier is ‘n paar boeke wat jy nie in gewone liberale winkels sal kry nie!
Afrikaanse Boeke op AfricanCrisis
Hier is ‘n paar boeke wat jy nie in gewone liberale winkels sal kry nie!
[This made me grin. Deep down it shows you that the Boer is a racist – and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Let me translate:
Ek’s ‘n Boer – I’m a Boer
Ek kannie ‘n Dom Ou Slim maak nie – I can’t make a dumb guy clever
Maar ek Kan hom voer!! – But I can feed him!!
So why it mentions “I can’t make a dumb guy clever” – I’m sure that’s a reference to the blacks! I can’t make them smarter but I can feed them!!
But then again, is it wise to feed people who want to kill you? I don’t think so. I say: LET THEM STARVE!! Jan]
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Video: How the Jews and Russians taught the Blacks Propaganda and Communism
In this video we take a really close look at what the Jews and the Russians taught the Blacks who wanted to fight the Whites in South Africa. What exactly did the Jews, like Joe Slovo, tell the Blacks? What exactly were the Russians hoping to achieve in southern Africa in general and in South Africa in particular? How do the Blacks of southern Africa view Putin today and the Russians now?
Video: How the Jews and Russians taught the Blacks Propaganda and Communism
In this video we take a really close look at what the Jews and the Russians taught the Blacks who wanted to fight the Whites in South Africa. What exactly did the Jews, like Joe Slovo, tell the Blacks? What exactly were the Russians hoping to achieve in southern Africa in general and in South Africa in particular? How do the Blacks of southern Africa view Putin today and the Russians now?