Photo: Whoa! Look At What Came Out Of A Recently Vaxxed Patient’s Lungs: String Of Attached Clots… Still Think Those Jabs Are Harmless?


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Video & Audio: Why the White Right EVERYWHERE always loses to Jews & Blacks
This is an angry video. In this video I discuss the politics of the white right, and why we are heading down a loser path to being losers yet again despite our MASSIVE PROGRESS in recent years.

[Some nasty stuff here. Jan]

A registered nurse posted to her Twitter account an image a “string of attached blood clots” that were retrieved from a patient’s lungs and asked, “Still think those jabs are harmless?”

Coolzero17 (aDonna58556659) posted to her Twitter account the image on October 3.

She wrote, “Just pulled this from the lung of a fully vaccinated, Covid +, intubated patient. Still think those jabs are harmless?”


There were several responses in the threat as to the cause of the clots.






I wonder if Twink thinks like that when it comes to the CONvids being airborne. I digress. For some of us, it’s clear. Health person gets a shot and literally within days they get clots in their lungs just like thousands of other people have had in the past 10 months.

At least one person got it.


The nurse was contacted by and informed us that she is a registered nurse.

She also went on to point out that the patient was on a ventilator and “was not ventilating well.” So the team began suctioning.

What you see in the image above is what came out of the patient’s lungs, “a string of attached clots,” the nurse informed us.

She also added that the patient was fully “vaxxed” and admitted with COVID+.

The RN is also battling hospital bureaucrats attempting to do our fascist government’s bidding.

She is definitely one that is not interested in taking the experimental shots and is willing to take that stand against the tyranny, which we salute her for doing!

The nurse also informed us that she is spending her days off researching possible ways to counteract the side effects of the shots.

The Sons of Liberty’s health and wellness expert Kate Shemirani has given some supplements that people can take that should help those who have taken the shots.


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