Photo: White Science at work: Australia will use robot boats to find asylum seekers at sea


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White Shop: Celtic Cross with Odal Runes Pendant
It measures: 1.5x1.5, black neck cord included.

[As always, the White man's magic is at work … properly… the white man's magic is the ONLY magic that actually works. The Black man's magic is nonsense, and the Jewish man's magic is purely a lie…. the white man is the only one with anything that actually can work. All progress on this planet is based on the White man's magic. I love these autonomous little robots. I think, with our technology and animals and our creativity we can do wild, wild things. Jan]

The Bluebottle uncrewed vessels can operate autonomously at sea

Ocius Technology

Australia is deploying a fleet of uncrewed robot boats to patrol its waters and monitor weather and wildlife. They will also flag boats potentially transporting asylum seekers, a plan that has concerned human rights groups.

The 5-metre-long vessels, known as Bluebottles after an Australian jellyfish, look like miniature sailing yachts. They use a combination of wind, wave and solar power to maintain a steady 5-knot speed in all conditions.

Sydney-based Ocius Technology delivered the prototype in 2017 and Australia’s Ministry of Defence has now awarded an AU$5.5 million (£3m) …


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Video: The European Race as an Immortal Biological Animal
What are Whites? Are we individuals or groups or some other arrangement? Professor Quigley raised this question for all humans. He also explained what Hitler thought. One day I had an interesting side chat with Matt Hales Mom and another lady, and the subject of Immortal Animals came up.

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