Photo: Weird Red Cloud & weird Animal behaviour in Turkey before Earthquake – HAARP theories – EARTHQUAKE CLOUDS
Video & Audio: WW3: Putin‘s next step: Setting Africa on fire: Sudan - Russia & China‘s only...
In February 2023 I made a prediction that Putin will need to start conflicts on other continents, especially Africa.
[I've been seeing a lot of HAARP stuff doing the rounds regarding the Turkey earthquake. I dug deeply into HAARP stuff a long time ago and it's really just an over-the-horizon radar for military purposes for the protection of Canada and USA from nuclear missiles from Russia. The cloud seen in Turkey is very stunning and it clearly is real. However, scientific mysteries is a subject I dug into a lot in the past and I have a lovely collection of books with old scientific stuff from 100+ years ago. And Whites have noticed many strange things relating to all kinds of stuff that would blow your mind. For example, it was noticed that RAIN often fell after a massive battle and it was then theorised to be the result of the shockwaves from all the cannons that were fired. When it comes to earthquakes there are LOTS of bizarre anomalies. Animals can sense earthquakes before they happen and animals behave strangely before Earthquakes. This happened in Turkey. This is nowadays even scientifically proven. Animals can sense many strange things. But there is also a link between clouds and earthquakes. Nobody knows how common it is, but even Aristotle the Greek scientist believed there was a link. This topic is known as Earthquake weather. Earthquakes have quite a mysterious aspect to them and there are things that happen which humans cannot sense, but clearly something big is going on beforehand. So the bottom line is that the Turkish Earthquake really was a normal big natural quake and the weird things have nothing to do with HAARP or humans. So below I've published a video link and two articles dealing with animals and clouds before earthquakes. Jan]
This is the strange red cloud:
Here’s a Turkish news video where they talk about strange animal behaviour before the quake. It’s not a very good video but you’ll get the message:
Here’s a story about the weird red cloud:
An article about weird animal behaviour before the Turkey quake:
Did animals in Turkey, Syria sense the quake early? Here’s the science.
By Leo Sands
February 7, 2023 at 11:10 a.m. EST
Birds flew erratically above snow-capped buildings. Dogs howled loudly. Then, a devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria leveled buildings and killed more than 5,000 people.
Social media users claimed that animals were behaving strangely just before the massive 7.8-magnitude earthquake and significant aftershocks. While The Washington Post could not immediately verify the footage, the idea that animals can detect powerful earthquakes before humans has been a theory around since at least ancient times.
There is scientific research that supports it. Much in the same way that seismological machines can pick up tremors undetectable to the human body, animals are better equipped to sense tiny foreshocks traveling through the Earth seconds before more powerful earthquake waves barrel through, scientists say. They might even be able to sense them before the foreshocks, some researchers say.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, abnormal animal behavior in the seconds preceding an earthquake is explained by the difference between two forms of seismic waves. Primary, or P, waves are the first to be emitted from an earthquake, traveling at several miles per second from the epicenter. These are more noticeable to animals, USGS says. P waves are followed by stronger secondary, or S waves, which shake the ground in a rolling motion.
“Very few humans notice the smaller P wave that travels the fastest from the earthquake source and arrives before the larger S wave,” the USGS guidance states. “But many animals with more keen senses are able to feel the P wave seconds before the S wave arrives.”
Why it’s so hard to predict an earthquake
Initial tremors, detected and analyzed by seismology machines, are also used by early-warning systems to forecast earthquakes — usually with less than a minute of warning. But can animals sense earthquakes even earlier, and better than modern machines? While humans for millennia have anecdotally observed animals seeming to detect earthquakes minutes or hours before they struck, the science is murkier.
One researcher says animals may be able to sense earthquakes even before their foreshocks. “We have a very good indication that animals really feel the precursors of earthquakes, and it’s not seismic activity,” Martin Wikelski, a director at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior who led a study on this topic, said in a telephone interview Tuesday.
In his peer-reviewed study published in 2020, researchers attached electronic tags to cows, dogs and sheep on an Italian farm to observe their movements over several months when earthquakes were detected nearby. They found that the animals were unusually “superactive,” defined as continuously moving for more than 45 minutes, before seven of the eight major earthquakes detected nearby. The research, conducted with devices that Wikelski described as “basically little cellphones for animals,” suggested that the animals may be able to detect earthquakes potentially more than 12 hours before humans — well before any foreshocks.
A sense of doom: Animal instinct for disaster
The reasons animals reacted unusually are not yet clear, he said. “There are indications that they can tell us something. How they do it, we don’t know yet,” he said. He believes that their ability to sense danger may be related to their ability to communicate with each other.
“The cows initially just froze — they didn’t move at all. And then that got the dogs really nervous, and they started to go crazy, barking. And then the sheep went crazy. And that started, altogether, to make the cows really crazy.”
In Wikelski’s study, animals may have been able to detect earthquakes in advance up to 12 miles from their epicenter, he said. He intends to do more research, potentially into whether the farm animals were reacting to iron levels released in the air by underground pressure.
“There are other factors that these animals seem to grasp — but that is still a black box,” Wikelski said.
However, a 2018 review into 700 recorded claims of abnormal animal behavior before earthquakes called for more evidence before drawing conclusions. Researchers focused on the question of whether animals could have the ability to detect earthquakes before seismic machines. Many historical examples of animals behaving strangely could be explained by seismic foreshocks seconds before the bigger earthquake waves, the scientists behind the 2018 review suggested. Much of the existing evidence, they also noted, was too anecdotal and retrospective to be reliable.
Caught on radar: Thousands of birds took flight minutes before Oklahoma earthquake
There are other high-profile examples, though, from history and the present. One of the earliest anecdotal accounts, attributed to the Roman writer Aelian, details how mice, snakes, centipedes and beetles fled the city of Helike before it was razed by an earthquake and destroyed by a tsunami in 373 B.C.
In 2016, 15 minutes before an earthquake struck Oklahoma, birds took flight in such significant numbers that thousands of them could be observed airborne by radar technology.
Here is an article about Earthquake Weather:
Earthquake weather is a type of weather popularly believed to precede earthquakes.
Since ancient times, the notion that weather can somehow foreshadow coming seismic activity has been the topic of much discussion and debate.[1] Geologist Russell Robinson has described "earthquake weather" as one of the most common pseudoscientific methods of predicting earthquakes.[2]
Aristotle proposed in the 4th century BC that earthquakes were caused by winds trapped in caves. Small tremors were thought to have been caused by air pushing on the cavern roofs, and large ones by the air breaking the surface. This theory led to a belief in ‘earthquake weather’, that because a large amount of air was trapped underground, the weather would be hot and calm before an earthquake. A later theory stated that earthquakes occurred in calm, cloudy conditions, and were usually preceded by strong winds, fireballs, and meteors. A modern theory proposes that certain cloud formations may be used to predict earthquakes; however, this idea is rejected by most geologists.[3][4]
Background on earthquakes
An earthquake is caused by a sudden slip on a fault. Tectonic plates are always slowly moving, but they can get stuck at their edges due to friction. When the stress on the edge of a tectonic plate overcomes the friction, there is an earthquake that releases energy in waves that travel through the earth’s crust and cause the shaking that is felt. For example, in California, there are two plates, the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. The Pacific Plate consists of most of the Pacific Ocean floor, and also includes Baja California and the California coastline. The North American Plate comprises most of the North American continent, including the inland parts of California, as well as parts of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans’ floors. The primary boundary between these two plates is the San Andreas Fault. The San Andreas Fault is more than 800 miles long and extends to depths of at least 10 miles. Many other smaller faults like the Hayward (San Francisco Bay Area) and the San Jacinto (Southern California) join with the San Andreas to form the San Andreas Fault Zone. The Pacific Plate grinds northwestward past the North American Plate at a rate of about two inches per year.
Earthquake cloud
Earthquake clouds are clouds claimed to be signs of imminent earthquakes. They have been described in antiquity: In chapter 32 of his work Brihat Samhita, Indian scholar Varahamihira (505–587) discussed a number of signs warning of earthquakes, including extraordinary clouds occurring a week before the earthquake.[5] In modern times, some scientists[who?] have claimed to accurately predict earthquake occurrences by observing clouds.[6] However, these claims have very little support in the scientific community.[7]
It has been proposed by W. J. Humphreys that earthquake weather is not of geological causes, but merely a psychological manifestation. Humphreys argued that "the general state of irritation and sensitiveness developed in us during the hot, calm, perhaps sultry weather given this name, inclines us to sharper observation of earthquake disturbances and accentuates the impression they make on our senses, so that we retain more vivid memories of such quakes while possibly over-looking entirely the occurrences on other more soothing days".[8]
Scientific validity
Some recent research has found a correlation between a sudden relative spike in atmospheric temperature 2–5 days before an earthquake. It is speculated that this rise is caused by the movement of ions within the earth’s crust, related to an oncoming earthquake. However, the atmospheric changes are caused by the earthquake, rather than the earthquake being caused by any change in atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, this relative temperature change would not cause any single recognizable weather pattern that could be labelled "earthquake weather".[9][10]
At the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Shimon Wdowinski announced an apparent temporal connection between tropical cyclones and earthquakes.[11]
In April 2013, a team of seismologists at the Georgia Institute of Technology re-examined data from the 2011 Virginia earthquake using pattern-recognition software and found a correlation between Hurricane Irene’s nearby passage and an unexpected rise in the number of aftershocks.[12]
S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.