Photo: The Earth from 3.7 billion miles away… A Little Pale Blue dot – The White Man’s Super Technology…


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Video: WTA03: The White End Game: How Portugal and S.Africa almost conquered all of Southern Africa
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[In the middle of this photo you see the Earth as a single pixel – a single dot. This was taken by Voyager 1 in 1990. It is now 2022, and Voyager 1 is still functioning but it’s so far away that it can’t see the Earth any more. This is therefore the most distant photo we’ve taken of ourselves. And it shows us as a tiny lonely little dot in the universe. The truth is, even this does not fully give us the actual scale of our smallness. But keep in mind all these amazing wonders are due ONLY to the White Man’s technology. It is only due to Whites, specifically American and European Whites that we have the means to even see this type of stuff. Neither the Jews nor the Blacks would ever do this. So in reality, this shows the brilliance of our race. Only we can do this. The Blacks would never be able to do this, and the Jews by themselves are to lazy, cowardly and useless to have developed this. In reality, these rockets that go into space are actually the product of Hitler’s SS. They were the first to build these things. So you can thank Hitler for this step forward. Sadly, the wonderful White men who made all this possible are DEAD and the scourge of man, the Jewish filth are very much alive and crying and lamenting life as they always do … the worthless bags of shit. Jan]

The photo shows Earth as it truly is — a lonely outpost of life in an incomprehensibly vast cosmos.
NASA released this updated version of Voyager 1’s famous “Pale Blue Dot” image of Earth on Feb. 13, 2020. The original was taken 30 years earlier, on Feb. 14, 1990.

Here’s the full science story:-
Pale Blue Dot at 30: Voyager 1’s iconic photo of Earth from space reveals our place in the universe

By Mike Wall published February 14, 2020

Thirty years ago today, humanity got a chance to see itself in a whole new light.

On Feb. 14, 1990, NASA’s Voyager 1 probe snapped a photo of Earth from 3.7 billion miles (6 billion kilometers) away. The image shows our home planet as it truly is — a tiny, lonely outpost of life in an incomprehensibly vast cosmos — and became iconic as a result.

The Voyager 1 team sensed at the time that the “Pale Blue Dot,” as the photo has come to be known, would be an important social document, said planetary scientist Candy Hansen, who served as the experiment representative for the Voyager imaging team and was the first person to set eyes on the Pale Blue Dot photo when it came down to Earth.

The Cold War had not yet thawed completely in early 1990. The Pale Blue Dot had the potential to remind folks around the world that we’re all in this together, no matter how many nuclear warheads one superpower may be aiming at another, Hansen explained. And the image remains vital today, because its message is timeless, she added.

“Now, we have climate change as an existential threat,” Hansen, who now works for the Arizona-based Planetary Science Institute, told “And we need to remind ourselves again that there’s one planet that is hospitable to humans. Even if we colonize the moon or Mars one day, neither one of those bodies is really going to be able to support seven billion of us. So, we need to take care of this planet.”

A family portrait

Voyager 1 launched a few weeks after its twin, Voyager 2, back in 1977. Together, the two probes conducted an unprecedented “grand tour” of the solar system’s giant planets, flying by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The tour was over after the Neptune encounter, which Voyager 2 executed in August 1989. But the two spacecraft kept on flying, out toward the great unknown of interstellar space. Mission team members decided to turn off the two probes’ cameras to save precious power during the long journey (and because they probably wouldn’t have many chances to photograph interesting things out beyond Neptune anyway).

But Voyager 1 turned around to take one last look at home before closing its eyes. And not just its home planet — its home system. The probe took a “family portrait” series of 60 photos, capturing the sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in addition to Earth. (Mercury was too close to the sun to be imaged, and sunlight bouncing around in the camera blocked Mars out.)

The Pale Blue Dot was the brainchild of famed astronomer, science communicator and Voyager imaging team member Carl Sagan, who first proposed snapping Earth with Voyager cameras in 1981. And Sagan helped popularize the image and its message after the fact, writing a book called “Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space” (Random House, 1994).

Earth was one of the last things Voyager 1 saw. The probe took the Pale Blue Dot photo at 0448 GMT on Feb. 14, 1990, just 34 minutes before its cameras were shut off forever. (The very last photos Voyager 1 took, however, were of the sun, Hansen said.)

All of the image data didn’t come down to Earth until May 1, 1990, NASA officials wrote in a Pale Blue Dot explainer. Hansen couldn’t wait to see our planet through Voyager 1’s eyes — and, when she finally got the chance, doing so proved a bit more difficult than she had expected.

“It was actually kind of terrifying, because I didn’t see it at first,” she said. “Because of that beam of scattered light, it didn’t pop out at me immediately. And then I was so afraid that we had missed it, or screwed up the exposure or something. So, it was such a relief when I spotted it.”

That beam of scattered light may have briefly stopped Hansen’s heart, but it adds a certain poetic flair to the Pale Blue Dot photo. It’s almost as if the cosmos threw a spotlight onto our precious little world for a moment, to help us make it out in the abyss.

Both Voyagers kept flying long after February 1990. They cruised through the outer solar system and eventually popped free of the sun’s sphere of influence into interstellar space.

Voyager 1 accomplished this unprecedented feat in 2012, and its twin followed suit six years later. And both probes are still going strong. They should have enough power left to continue gathering data about their exotic surroundings through 2024 or so, mission team members have said.

The Voyager program has accomplished amazing things, shedding considerable light on the giant planets and the dark realms far beyond them. (Voyager 2, for example, is still the only spacecraft ever to get up-close looks at Uranus or Neptune.) And the Pale Blue Dot is a unique part of this diverse and layered legacy.

“The Earth picture reaches to our hearts, I would say, and all the rest goes in our heads,” Hansen said.


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