PDF: English translation from Bulgarian: No one has died from the coronavirus Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association


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Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.

[Below is the article, and below that is the full PDF that you can download. Jan]

Here’s an interesting article: https://off-guardian.org/2020/07/02/no-one-has-died-from-the-coronavirus-president-of-the-bulgarian-pathology-association/#comments

Here’s the English translation from Bulgarian: https://off-guardian.org/wp-content/medialibrary/Alexov-webinar-transcript.pdf?x19699

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Video & Audio: Jews wage War on Whites using Herd Methods
I discuss Whites as Herds, and how Whites in the White Right behave. I also look at what Jews do to Whites to harm the natural herd behaviour of Whites. I tell the story of a guy here in South Africa who became extremely popular when he tackled the issue of crime, and what happened to him.

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