Only 2 Groups know the truth behind Politics: Jews and … NAZIS!


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S.Africa: 3 Blacks die after raping a crocodile on the instructions of a WitchDoctor!
I found this story doing the rounds on the social media among whites. I dug into it. The original source for this is used to be one of the best and most reliable Zimbabwe news websites for years.

In recent years, I don’t know who said it, but I heard it from someone in the White Right in America. They said: "There are only 2 groups of people in the world who know what’s really going on in Politics and those groups are: JEWS and NAZIS!"

I’ve been thinking about that recently and how true it is. It is so insightful. It’s the 100% truth.

The FreeMasons are merely owned by the Jews as are the others. At the heart of it, the root of all evil, is JEWS.

The very dumbest Whites are the LEFTISTS and COMMUNISTS. They’re the stupidest of the lot. But close on their heels are the Liberals. Liberals are utter fools as well. These groups don’t know how dumb they are.

The Conservatives are heading in the right direction, but they’re still children.

The only people who really know the game as the NAZIS … the full on racists.

The only war, that’s a real war, that has any meaning is the war between the Jews and the NAZIS. That’s the real war… and the only one that matters.

Heil Hitler!

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Video: No War has EVER been fought over Right Vs Wrong
Everybody I come across thinks that wars are fought for moral reasons. They think wars are fought over the issue of Right versus Wrong or Good versus Bad. At first this shocked me and I realised that indeed everyone has been conditioned to think like this.

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