
Jan‘s Advertisement
Video: JEWS105A: Jewish lies that work: The One Jew Lie
Jews are extremely quick and glib and able to fool you in a second. They will successfully lie to you in the course of what you believe is a friendly conversation with someone who is a genuine friend of yours.

[Well, people are making noise and trying things. I hope these people are serious about doing something. I wonder if this is a Ross Perot, Tea Party type of thing? I hope people are serious. But, at least the word spreads and these concepts live on. That is important. As I said, Trump LEAVING may be the best thing that has happened to the Alt Right. At the source link below, you can sign up to their mailing list. Jan]

Here’s the new website’s URL:

Join Citizen Patriots Standing Shoulder-to-Shoulder with President Donald J. Trump
and the US Armed Forces He Commands, to Protect and Defend the Office of the President;
America’s Freedom and Values; and the United States Constitution, Against ALL Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic. When Called Upon, WE RESPOND!

Fellow Citizen Patriots,

I am Dr. Ignatius Piazza, Founder and Director of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, the largest firearms training organization in the world, having trained nearly one million responsible citizens to levels of skill at arms with handgun, shotgun, rifle and submachine gun, that far exceed law enforcement and military standards on our 550 acre world class facility near Las Vegas, NV.

As a descendant of Joshua Eldredge, who fought with our Founding Fathers in the Revolutionary War against the greatest military power of his time, I have the blood of a patriot surging through my veins.

On my blog I have chronicled the overwhelming evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, with hundreds of sworn video testimony and expert data analysis that proves, without a doubt, the crimes that undermined America’s long and storied history of free and fair elections, stealing the 2020 Election from President Donald J. Trump.

Like you, and the 80-90 million of our fellow patriots who financially supported President Donald Trump’s MAGA campaign, and voted for him in record numbers, only to have everything stolen from us by premeditated, sophisticated and massive voter fraud, I am not willing to sit idly by and allow the greatest country in history of the world to be destroyed. Together WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

For this reason, I founded and direct TrumpsArmy.US. Our purpose and mission is to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with President Donald J. Trump and the US Armed Forces he commands to protect and defend the Office of the President; America’s freedom and values; and the United States Constitution, against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.

I ask you to join with me, and your fellow Americans in Trump’s Army of citizen patriots, who are ready, willing and able to support President Trump in any manner he requests, to protect and defend our great country against the greatest threat of our time. Join us by answering one, simple but important question, and then allow me to reward you for your patriotism, as only I can.

Do you pledge, if requested and directed by President Donald J. Trump, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with President Trump and the US military forces he commands, to protect and defend the Office of the President, America’s freedom, and the United States Constitution, against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic?

If you sincerely answer “YES,” then enter your email address and the state in which you reside to join your fellow citizen patriots in Trump’s Army.

After you accept your Free, Four Day Course, I will then give you the opportunity to prepare for it with an at-home defensive handgun course delivered to your computer.

You will also receive my daily email updates on President Trump’s legal battles to overturn the fraudulent 2020 Presidential Election and restore America’s faith in free and fair elections, plus any personal direction I may receive from President Donald Trump, his family or his legal team.

I hope and pray that as we approach Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021, Trump’s Citizen Patriot Army is not needed to protect and defend the Office of the President, America’s freedom or the United States Constitution. But as President George Washington said in his First Annual Message To Congress, New York City, January 8. 1790, “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” This was an obvious reference to the Latin phrase, “Si vis paceum, parabellum.”

So as citizen patriots, if we truly want to do something to ensure peace in our nation and truly desire to preserve the America we know and love, we MUST be prepared. We MUST immediately grow Trump’s Army into tens of millions of citizen patriots who upon President Trump’s request and direction, will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him and the US Armed Forces he commands, to protect and defend the Office of the President; America’s freedom and values; and the United States Constitution, against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. The bigger, more powerful, and more prepared we are, the less likely we will ever be called upon. But as our motto states, “Ubi invocatus respondemus” When called upon, WE RESPOND!

Join me in TrumpsArmy.US TODAY. Then recruit ALL your fellow citizen patriots to join US in TrumpsArmy.US.

TrumpsArmy.US Daily Updates


Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
info (at)

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USA‘s No 1 WHITE Racial Prisoner: Reverend Matt Hale
Please help Matt Hale. He was a Reverend in the Church of Creativity. Learn about the despicable story of what Jews did to him! He will be in jail for 40 years WITHOUT EVER HAVING COMMITTED A SINGLE CRIME!

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