NAZI Scientist: Chief of Aryan Physics sneers at Einstein and Jews in a 1927 anti-Semitic letter – My Comments
Video: How America bullied Japan Into WW2 - Part 1
This is a 2 part series about the disgusting way America forced Japan to fight them.
[This is written by Jews and of course at the first opportunity it is… Hitler, Jews, Holocaust, war monger … blah blah. So I snipped that nonsense out. In the other sentences it was hard to remove stuff without losing some insight. Anyhow, if the NAZIS made this guy the Chief of Aryan Physics then they must have been very impressed with his abilities. I think that the scientists of those times had the ability to perceive quality and they could see they were lowering their standards to allow this plagiarist Jew into their circles. Jews need to keep Einstein alive just as much as they need to keep hatred towards Hitler alive. Hitler had amazing technical knowledge, which I want to return to, to discuss. Here we therefore get a little bit of an idea of how a brilliant scientist of the time looked down on Einstein. I think science has been perverted by the Jews in many areas. These people have an unlimited ability to twist and turn things. I think about this a lot, and I think it really relates to us whites needing to seize control of our economies. I think at the heart of it all, that is the problem that keeps the Jew around as an unceasing thorn in the side of whites. Jan]
In 1927, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist named Philipp Lenard penned a letter to a colleague complaining about recent achievements by Albert Einstein and musing that academia and the sciences were becoming dominated by Jews.
Lenard, an early supporter of Germany’s Nazi Party, remarked that a prestigious appointment for Einstein was undeserved; he then wondered if non-Jews would soon be wiped out entirely.
The original letter, written in German, is up for auction at Nate D. Sanders Auctions in Los Angeles. Bidding for the item, which also includes an English translation, starts at $16,000 US, according to the auction listing.
In the letter — written to physicist Wilhelm Wien, another Nobel Prize Laureate — Lenard bemoaned the "Einstein action," referring to Einstein’s recent acceptance into the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich, the auction listing says. The "shallow intellectuality" of academia uplifting Einstein was an "unexpected testimony of its domination by Jews," Lenard wrote.
He went on to wonder how his letter might be viewed in the future, "provided any non-Jewish persons are still alive then," he said.
… snip … (Hitler, holocaust… blah blah) …
Lenard, who was born in Hungary in 1862, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1905 for his work on cathode rays, leading to the discovery of electrons and X-rays, according to The Nobel Foundation. His experiments also explored the photoelectric effect — the ejection of electrons when light shines on metal — and he "never forgave Einstein" for achieving greater recognition regarding this phenomenon, The Nobel Foundation notes in a biography.
But Lenard’s enmity toward Einstein also reflected deep-seated anti-Semitic convictions. Lenard was such a devoted member of Hitler’s National Socialist Party that Nazi officials named him Chief of Aryan Physics, according to the biography.
By 1927, Einstein was already well aware that dangerous anti-Semitic sentiments were overtaking common decency in Germany, alongside a rising tide of fanatical nationalism and fascism. Five years earlier, in 1922, Einstein penned a note to his sister Maja while in hiding; he had fled Berlin after right-wing extremists murdered his friend Walther Rathenau, a fellow Jew and the German foreign minister.
"I am doing quite well, in spite of all the anti-Semites among my German colleagues," Einstein wrote. "Here are brewing economically and politically dark times."
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