National Vanguard: Jews: Mongrelize the In-Group


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ROBERT REICH was born in Pennsylvania, the son of Edwin Saul Reich, who owned a women’s clothing store. His family is Jewish.

Reich has a disease that renders him no bigger than a teacup; legend has it that his pint-sized stature made him the victim of bullies (read: White people). I’m reasonably sure the real reason other kids beat him up, if they did, is because he was an obnoxious know-it-all little twerp.

Due to his minuscule stature in his school days Reich claims he sought out the protection of another Jew named Michael Schwerner who, as the media tell it, was killed in 1964 by White people when he was “trying to register Blacks to vote in the South.” It can be risky to mess with what’s none of your business.

In any event, the upshot of this lachrymose tale of woe is that “all zhis trauma” supposedly made Reich, for the rest of his life, always want to “fight the bullies” — that is, destroy White people.

On Thanksgiving Day 2020 this hideous, grotesque Jewish dwarf and former Clinton official tweeted the following:

“Just a reminder: No human being is illegal on stolen land.”

These Jews, they never stop. And subtlety has never been their strong suit.

We’re all aware, of course, that Reich knows that his beloved country Israel (in his view the repository of all that is moral and good) lives on stolen land.

But he would never suggest that as a result they should flood their country with an untold number of sand Negroes.

No, sand Negroes are a bridge too far, at least when it comes to a Jewish country. For White countries, they — and a lot of other two-legged things — are mandatory.

When it comes to immigration, Jews have always had a plan.

They saw right away in the early 20th Century that as long as America remained a White country their options would be at least somewhat limited.

So they set about mongrelizing the in-group until there was no more in-group; they set about mongrelizing the in-group until they were the in-group.

Which mission has now been accomplished.

From the first time they set foot on these shores, Jews have used immigration as a way to promote miscegenation and race-mixing among White people.

Jews have used immigration as means of soft genocide.

Jews have used immigration as a way to dispossess us in our ancestral homelands.

In 1924, on the night that the Immigration Restriction Act was passed, Madison Grant was ecstatic. He told a friend that we had finally got rid of our Jews

He could not have been more wrong.

During the debates on this bill another dwarfish, hideous, and grotesque Jew was among the most vehement opponents of it in Congress.

His name was Emmanuel Celler.

Upon losing that debate, little Manny Celler lay in wait for forty-one years until he was finally able to ambush the White man with his 1965 bill opening the country to all manner of racial aliens and turning America into an infected, running, open sore.

In 1881 another grotesque and hideous Jew wrote that infamous poem which they added to and thereby ruined our Statue of Liberty.

The poem remained obscure until 1938 when Jews clamored for more Jews to come to America. It seemed the Germans has got wise to the ways of Jews and had resolved to have a country of their own.

So American Jews played up that doggerel about “huddled masses” to demand that more Jews, emigrants from Germany, be allowed to contaminate our country. They played on American heart strings so we would lay down our defenses.

More Jews now!

Don’t be evil!

Otherwise it would be “another Shoah,” though the screenplay for that wasn’t quite finished yet.

But the fact is that all during the 1920s and the 1930s Jews were pouring in to America illegally as outlined in the book After They Closed the Gates.

And after the war that poem was finally turned into Holy Writ. And a Jew penned a book called A Nation of Immigrants and got White race criminal John Kennedy to put his name to it.

A nation of immigrants, huddled masses; soon these were like a new Declaration of Independence and Constitution — except they meant slavery for us.

A Trump official once had the temerity to say that that poem by Emma Lazarus was not a law, and that a statue is not a statute.

The controlled media were appalled and aghast. They were up in arms. For them that Trump official might as well have taken Martin Luther King out back and pistol whipped him while calling him “boy.”

Because for Jews, immigration is their religion.

They say “no person is illegal,” not on “stolen land.”

Of course they are the ones who stole the land, who want to make us illegal.

A brown-skinned congresswoman recently stood on our Capitol steps and said she stood on “occupied land.”

She spoke truer than she knew. She means it was stolen from the Red Man and occupied by the White.

But in fact it is occupied by Jews.

Perhaps we should make them illegal.


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ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.

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