My Analysis: The AWESOME IMPORTANCE OF TODAY: The Massive White Protest against Farm Murders – Boere Aksie – Plaasmoord – Plaasmorde


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ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.

Here are the issues as I see them in order of importance:-

1. We proved to ourselves that we do think and feel the same way about important matters, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, today proved that whites can act like a TEAM – #TeamWhite to quote Alex Linder – and I can’t tell you how impressed and proud I am of what the whites did today. It brings tears to my eyes. Rest assured there will be negatives coming from this. The govt are garbage, scum and filth and they will lie about this. But THE MOST CRITICAL THING TODAY IS THAT WE PROVED WE CAN ACT TOGETHER. The speed with which this was done and the energy is simply astounding. NOBODY has seen anything like this before. The blacks certainly haven’t. WE PROVED SOMETHING TO OURSELVES THAT WE DO HAVE POWER AND WE CAN ACT LIKE A TEAM. WE PROVED THAT TODAY OUT OF THE BLUE. That’s the BIGGEST take away from today.

2. The 2nd biggest take away is that our FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE ACROSS THE WORLD saw this, and get to see that we are acting in unison and we’re telling the truth – and you can see and judge for yourselves how we feel about the endless slaughter of a small but vital part of our community.

3. The Governments and organisations of the world never expected to see whites in South Africa act OPENLY as a GROUP and illustrating GROUP WILL and GROUP POWER. It was all peaceful, but everyone has seen it.

4. The Government of South Africa and others in Africa will see this. This is not going to help us. They will do all they can to lie about this and undermine it. Already they are trying to hide the extent of this from the blacks. This group here, (4) is the least important of the lot – in fact, NONE of them matter at all. (1) matters the most and (2) matters the second most. (3) & (4) will be useful in demonstrating that we are alive. It will make our enemies gather to undermine us more while hidden in (3) and (4) are ENEMIES of our black Govt – this will be good for us. The ENEMIES of our Govt (what few exist), will be interested in the events of today.

But all that matters today is whites and our relationships and knowledge and trust and faith in each other WORLDWIDE. That’s all that really matters and has been born as a result of today. We thought we were dead but we weren’t. I’m utterly delighted beyond all belief to see this. If you wanted to call today a “God Send” then this was it. We never saw this coming and today I can tell you, in just these few hours, new bonds have been sown. New seeds have been sown among us. From these tiny seeds, mighty trees can grow. Today was FANTASTIC and its burned something into our hearts and minds – something more valuable than any monies and something that nobody can take away from us. I hope that this is the beginning of a long comradeship, a comradeship sealed with blood and soil – the way we white people have always been. If you’re going to DIE you might as well die for someone who is very dear to you. That is the real meaning of today. That today people put their jobs and money aside and they took risks for each other. They did not have to do this. THEY DID IT FROM THEIR HEARTS. That is what is so awesome today.

Don’t worry about the ANC. Don’t worry about the Govt. They are filth, they are garbage, they are liars and scum. They are the people who for decades sowed the seeds among the blacks to kill our white farmers. To go to them and ask them to stop farm murders is like going to a serial killer and asking him to help you catch the real killer. ITS A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. So don’t get upset when you see them talking their shit, lying and twisting things, etc.

What’s important is the seeds were sowed among all whites today and those seeds will reach other whites across the world and that is ALL THAT MATTERS!!! Don’t listen to the Liberal shit and Liberal claptrap that “this is not about race” and “don’t bring politics into it!” BS! It IS about RACE and it IS ABOUT POLITICS because the blacks have been saying so openly for decades and continue to do so until TODAY! Stop kidding yourself!

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Black lies from 2006: Zimbabwe: Only 200 White Farmers paid of 4,000 Rest paid in 2010? Oh Yeah?
I posted this in 2006. The Blacks had stolen 4,000 farms out of the 5,000 that were there. They lied about paying the White Farmers. You can read my skepticism and the news from 2006.

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