Meme: FABULOUS: WW2: Diversity in the Waffen-SS


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White Shop: Hitlers Revolution: Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs
Drawing on over 200 German sources, many pre-1945, Hitlers Revolution provides concise, penetrating insight into the National Socialist ideology and how it transformed German society. The governments success at relieving unemployment and its social programs to eliminate class barriers unlock the secret to Hitlers undeniable popularity.

[This is a fabulous meme. The Waffen SS was a Pan European Army … the first time since the Roman Empire that we’ve seen a Pan European Army! White men fighting together in the same army for the same thing! This is a dream I dream of. This is fabulous. Jan]

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Video & Audio: Israeli Snipers were killing American Soldiers in Iraq
This is an extremely nasty story which I suspect has been totally covered up by the Mass Media. It appears this was well known to American soldiers and officers who fought in Iraq after 911. This story is probably classified.It is about (IDF) Israeli Defence Force snipers engaging in false-flag operations and killing American troops.

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