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Video & Audio: What Napoleon would teach White South Africans: Part 2 of 3
This is Part 2 of a 3 Part series about fighting between Whites and Blacks in South African cities and what modern Whites could learn from Napoleon.

[Matt Hale is fighting forward even from inside his jail cell. This is all we Whites can do. Just fight forward and struggle forward, regardless. I'm really happy to see that Matt is active and fighting back and doing things, even from inside his jail cell. That is excellent stuff. Jan]

Friends and Supporters: I spoke with Matt today. He asked me to let you know that he is in the last stages of completing his lawsuit against the analyst that is refusing to allow Matt’s his First Amendment Rights, freedom to practice his religion, freedom of speech, etc.. This analyst withholds emails from us to Matt and emails Matt sends to us. He is also the person that has stopped Matt from having any further contact with some of his friends and supporters. He is responsible for refusing to allow Matt’s third book to leave the prison. Matt said he is in the process of typing up the lawsuit and it won’t be long before it is filed.

Branden Hall on behalf of Ms. H

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Video: God said: Exterminate the Blacks: The Harry Knoesen Story S.Africa
Lots of Whites say that Christians will never fight. Here is a story unlike any other. This is the strange story of the CRUSADERS, the (NCRM) National Christian Resistance Movement of South Africa. This was a Christian Racialist who had former SADF special forces, Recces with him. They wanted to seize back South Africa for WHITES! This took place in 2018 and 2019. We study what Harry did and the many strange twists and turns in this strange story.

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