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Video: What Hitler tried to teach Germans and ALL Whites
White peoples minds have been so rotted and misled on extremely important questions that I think most whites, and even many National Socialists (NAZIS) dont comprehend some of the lessons Hitler was trying to teach the Germans.

[Matt Hale is fighting forward even from inside his jail cell. This is all we Whites can do. Just fight forward and struggle forward, regardless. I'm really happy to see that Matt is active and fighting back and doing things, even from inside his jail cell. That is excellent stuff. Jan]

Friends and Supporters: I spoke with Matt today. He asked me to let you know that he is in the last stages of completing his lawsuit against the analyst that is refusing to allow Matt’s his First Amendment Rights, freedom to practice his religion, freedom of speech, etc.. This analyst withholds emails from us to Matt and emails Matt sends to us. He is also the person that has stopped Matt from having any further contact with some of his friends and supporters. He is responsible for refusing to allow Matt’s third book to leave the prison. Matt said he is in the process of typing up the lawsuit and it won’t be long before it is filed.

Branden Hall on behalf of Ms. H

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Video: BEFORE HITLER: JEWS turned Germany (Weimar) into a HELL of Prostitution, Drugs, Trans
Everything you see in America today was done after WW1, and long before Hitler and the NAZIS arose. The same degeneracy took place and Jews destroyed society and turned White women into street prostitutes.

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