MASSIVE STOCK MARKET CRASH in 2024? – An American Stock Market Investor/Predictor to NEVER listen to – Harry Dent
When the Blacks tried to genocide all the Portuguese in Angola: The Battle of Carmona
We look at the first day of the bloodiest racial conflict that ever took place in southern Africa, the war between the Portuguese and the blacks. It was a war the Portuguese were definitely going to WIN!
I spotted a video about a guy called Harry Dent, who was saying that the US stock markets would have a huge stock market crash in 2024. I’ve heard of Dent before and was not impressed with what he had to say. Now he’s making a very bold prediction.
He’s actually someone who has never been shy to make big and bold predictions, but his ability to actually invest and to make consistent money is very poor.
He has a theory, based on birth rates and families, and that family spending drives the economy. But his track record, going back well over 20 years, is very poor.
It seems that he’s big on WRITING BOOKS and that whenever he writes a new book, he goes out and makes BIG BOLD predictions – and that he’s really just drawing crowds to buy his new books.
That seems to be his modus operandi. Big bold statements to sell books – and a dreadfully bad stock market track record.
Video: WW3 Analysis: Russia, China, etc: Jans High Level Strategic Analysis as at: October
In October 2022, I gave a presentation in South Africa to prepper group of Boers at the request of their leader.