Map: Which are the Whites parts of Jewish Britain? – Wales is the Whitest, London is the most non-White


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[I was wondering which parts of the UK were the Whitest. Jan]

This map below is for 2011. It is in London, where Whites make up the least of the population. In 2011, in the London area, the Whites were down to 44% – that’s a decade ago. I wonder what it’s like now!

Here are the percentages for the main areas. Wales is the Whitest part of Britain, and after it, Scotland.

England 42,279,236 (79.8%) (2011)[1]

Scotland4,863,000 (91.8%) (2011)[2]

Wales 2,855,450 (93.2%) (2011)[1]

Northern Ireland (including all White people reporting at least one of British/Irish/Northern Irish/English/Scottish/Welsh national identities) 1,738,604 (98.28%) (2011)[3][4


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