Leftist White Witch: Petition to kick Amber Heard off ‘Aquaman 2’ gathers 1.5M signatures
When the Blacks tried to genocide all the Portuguese in Angola: The Battle of Carmona
We look at the first day of the bloodiest racial conflict that ever took place in southern Africa, the war between the Portuguese and the blacks. It was a war the Portuguese were definitely going to WIN!
[I've never heard of this woman before, because Jewish Hollywood is of no interest to me. It appears this is a white woman, who might have been a good wife if her mind had not been filled with garbage. She is a nasty woman with an agenda. AGAIN: WHITE MAN, STAND UP OR BE KICKED AROUND LIKE A DOG! White men and women had a means of co-existing, it was called Love. That has now been DESTROYED. The white male needs to stand up and get control of his world again. Jan]
The American who sent me this story, also sent his comments which I am publishing in full. Here they are:
Petition to kick Amber Heard off ‘Aquaman 2’ gets 1.5M signatures, normally I dont care the least about Hollywood, but this lying kinniving c*nt deserves to have her career ruined. On the flipside depp was a fool to stay w this miserable leftist skank from the get go. He shoulda used and then tossed this filthy wretched fronthole after a short weekend. Shes the definition of a typical delusional entitled predatory yankee slut. She should be the poster child for the return of the patriarchy.
Here’s the actual news story:
More than a million angry fans have signed a petition urging Hollywood honchos to boot Amber Heard off the movie “Aquaman 2” — saying she “ruined” ex-husband Johnny Depp’s career.
The petition against the 34-year-old actress, who was locked in a messy libel case that Depp ultimately lost earlier this month, had garnered 1.5 million signatures as of Friday.
“[Heard] has systematically crusaded to ruin Depp in Hollywood,” the Change.org petition rages. “He will bear the scar from that for the rest of his life.”
Depp was asked to resign from JK Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts franchise after a British judge found allegations that he’s a wife-beater to be “substantially true” — prompting fans of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star to circulate the petition, which aims to get 3 million signatures.
The petition also accuses the actress of lying and “creating false accounts of [Depp] being the abuser.”
Last week, the actress spoke out about those calling for her firing — saying she intends to work on the movie anyway.
“Paid rumors and paid campaigns on social media don’t dictate [casting decisions] because they have no basis in reality,” she told Entertainment Weekly. “Only the fans actually made ‘Aquaman’ and ‘Aquaman 2’ happen. I’m excited to get started next year.”
Source: https://nypost.com/2020/11/27/petition-to-kick-amber-heard-off-aquaman-2-gets-1-5m-signatures/
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