EXCELLENT: Germany: Horst Mahler’s book about the Jewish enemy: Coming in ENGLISH!!!
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[John Kaminski made this great find. And some of us got the first chapter of this. I have the name of the man who is doing the translating, but to be honest with you, the filthy Jewish enemy will hunt such people down, so I'm not going to publish his name or details of where he is. The English-speaking world is very weak and Whites are being destroyed one by one. I just heard that just as Alison Chabloz came out of JAIL in the UK due to Jews … Graham Hart has got a nasty jail term … due to … you guessed it … JEWS!!! So no man or woman in the weak Anglo-American-Jewish world is safe. But Horst Mahler is an incredible German … a lion among lions I tell you… who has stood his ground and suffered terribly physically for it. What a fine man he is! I'm so glad to see yet another piece of German work slowly making it's way into the deluded, Jewish-owned Anglo side of our race. It's time for the Anglo and English side of our race TO CATCH UP WITH THE EUROPEANS! Jan]
John wrote this:
Thanks Giuseppe. Read correctly this is the key to the future of the world written by the most articulate of the Holocaust Revisionists and the smartest of the opponents of those who seek to destroy the entire human race.
Best wishes,
John Kaminski
Da: xxxxxx
Date: lun 9 ago 2021 alle ore 09:28
Subject: The English translation of Horst Mahler’s book "The Wanderer’s Redemption"
Dear comrades,
after a long search we are happy to announce that we have been able to find a suitable translator for the English translation of Horst Mahler’s book "The Wanderer’s Redemption". As one might imagine, this task was not straightforward, because many translators had previously refused to translate the book simply because of the name of Horst Mahler, or even for other political reasons.
The book "The Wanderer’s Redemption" is a response to the book by the Israeli musician and philosopher Gilad Atzmon "The Wandering Who? A Study of Jewish Identity Politics“.
In addition, we had to find a suitable translator who not only spoke perfect English and German, but was also philosophically educated.
yyyyyy, a yyyyyy living in yyyyyy, embodied these prerequisites and was also one of the few English speakers who had already read the German version of the book.
In view of the fact that the enemy of mankind – with the Vaccination Inquisition – has set out to destroy the peoples of the world for good, this book is fundamentally important, because we learn who the real enemy is, how he thinks and what his motives are, and all of this without any of the usual “historical prejudice”.
Without exaggerating, I would like to say that this book is one of the most important books in recent human history because at its heart, is preaches reconciliation (of an absolute kind), not via faith and forgiveness but at last, via understanding and knowledge, commensurate with the demands of the 21st century thinker.
In a foreword by the translator, he describes the difficulties he had in carrying out this translation due not least to the terminological differences and alteration of meanings that have taken place, as these two otherwise similar languages evolved apart from each other. Thus, in constant consultation with Horst Mahler, it became necessary even to formulate entirely new terms, to allow this fundamental work to become fully accessible and comprehensible in the full depth of its German linguistic soul to English-speaking readers.
In order to make the book known in advance in English-speaking circles, we have attached for you the extensive first chapter of the book translation, which constitutes an outline (contents) for the complete final version of the book, the translator’s foreword, a foreword by Horst Mahler written specifically for this edition, as well as the concluding “legal document” written by the author to “close his case”. This not only testifies very significantly to his decade long struggle for free speech in a manipulated legal system, but represents in its own right, a comprehensive summary of the ideas of the book.
Horst Mahler’s book turns the foundations of our previous perceptions upside down. We are facing a paradigm shift of a fundamental nature about our entire world-view as it is still taught in universities and schools today.
But judge for yourself and share this translation as much as you can. It is a philosophy of freedom that will help us to face the struggle of being or not being that lies before us. We trust that within a few weeks we will be able to provide you with the complete version of the book.
With comradely greetings
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