Joe Biden Spent 163 Days in Wilmington Home – No Visitor Logs Exist


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President Joe Biden has reportedly spent 163 days of his presidency at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, where the Secret Service claimed [] no visitor logs exist.

Critics have raised questions about who might have visited Biden’s residence after his attorneys found classified documents stashed in the home’s garage.

In total, Biden has spent 163 days over the course of 49 trips to his Wilmington residence, according to the Republican National Committee’s “Big Guy tracker.” It is unknown how many days Biden spent at the home after leaving the White House in 2017 and before assuming the Oval Office in 2021.

The considerable amount of time Biden has spent at the home raises questions about who might have had access to the classified documents.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), House Oversight Committee chairman, asked the White House on Sunday why Biden’s personal attorneys were continuing to search his home for classified documents after a special counsel was appointed. The White House has yet to respond to Comer’s question.


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