JEWS WERE BEHIND WW2: Another good White American man MURDERED BY JEWS! – James Forrestal


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Video & Audio: What is a Jew? Are Jews a Religion or a Race or both?
When one is trying to educate other Whites about Jews, you get people turning around and saying that Jews are only a religion. But others think that Jews might be a race. In this video I discuss the confusion relating to Jews when one speaks to other Whites.

[This is a note from a newsletter I was looking at. I have heard of Forrestal, but I did not know he was on to the Jews. It seems the evidence is firm that he was murdered by Jews. I have some stuff on it which I'll publish. Check out the comments below about how the filthy Jews FORCED Britain and America into war with Germany! Jan]

The entry for December 27, 1945, in James Forrestal’s
edited diary states: "Played golf with Joe Kennedy.
I asked him about his conversations with Roosevelt
and Neville Chamberlain from 1938 on. […]
Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and
the world Jews had forced England into the war."

The newsletter writer threw in these additional comments:

(And if you bother to specify that poor old America
is largely a Jew-owned plantation, that eliminates
most Americans, except for a handful of traitors.)

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Video & Audio: S.Africa: Blacks who openly talk about killing all the Whites
In this video I show examples of Blacks in South Africa in the last decade or even recently who openly spoke about killing ALL WHITES! They mention hideous things they would like to do to us.

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