Jews: The parasites of Advanced Civilisations


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Video: 2 Mysteries about WW2: Why did Hitler declare war on the USA? Why didnt Japan fight
A reader sent me this question: Two things I have puzzled about in WWll: Why did Hitler declare war on USA & Japan not attacking Manchuria.

[This is very good. I'm not fully certain of the source for this. I got it by email. It might be from Eustace Mullins. Jan]


We have pointed out that the Jewish parasite is a disease of the more advanced civilizations. One does not find the Jew sharing the hostile desert with the Australian aborigine. Primitive man had no experience of parasites. There was little food and less shelter.

But those who survived began to master their environment, to till the land, to domesticate animals, and there began to be surpluses of food. Now rats and cockroaches appeared, feasting on these surpluses.

One of the heroes of the Jewish intellectual movement, Franz Kafka, wrote a work in which a man envisioned himself as a cockroach, writing out of some ancient racial memory which has bemused thousands of university students who had it rammed down their throats by their professors, with no explanation of its overtones.

With these surpluses, there also appeared a new type of person, a variant of the species, one who existed by producing no goods or services, but who became adept at producing an illusion that he was giving goods and services.

This was the Jew, who made his appearance upon the stage of history as a magician, a fortuneteller, a petty thief, or, in the open country, a treacherous and cold-blooded bandit.

He became a physician, a teacher, an acolyte in any kind of religious group. From earliest history, he practiced money-lending, and always at usurious rates of interest.

All of these Jewish vocations have one thing in common, the opportunity for fraud. The Jew always operated from a basis of fraud, and slipped easily from one vocation into another.

A Jew practices medicine in one city, and, leaving behind a trail of corpses, turns up in another town as a soothsayer. After some widows are bilked of their life savings, he again takes to the road, assisted, as always, by the international Jewish community.

In another town, he becomes a student priest, and soon he offers daring new interpretations of the religious beliefs, until his superiors find that he is stealthily transforming every tenet of their faith into some strange and barbaric dogma.

He moves on, and turns up in another city as a highly trusted government official, respected by all, until, one evening, the gates of the city are opened to an invader, and the Jew becomes the Grand Vizier of the conquerors.

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