JEWS MUST BE DELIGHTED: First Time Canadian Law Section 318 is used: Jews vs Leslie Bory – Advocacy or Promotion of Genocide of JEWS


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[This is a new law in Canada I think, and Leslie Bory is the first test case. This will set the scene for future use of this law. His videos that he did will be used as evidence against him. This could be very nasty. In America, laws like incitement have a different context. Canadian Law will be more like South African and Australia Law since our legal systems are based on the British model. Rest assured this is much nastier than any Law that an American would face. Just for speaking, Leslie could spend a few more years in jail. Any American who says the same things would NOT even be charged with a crime. Jan]

Here’s a summary of what this law is about, and of course this Law is there primarily to protect Jews. This is a summary:

In Canadian law, Section 318 of the Criminal Code of Canada pertains to the prohibition of advocating or promoting genocide. It criminalizes specific conduct related to hate speech and genocide.

Here is a summary of Section 318:

Advocacy or Promotion of Genocide
Definition of Genocide: Genocide is defined in the section as acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, any identifiable group based on race, religion, color, ethnicity, or other similar criteria. It includes:

Killing members of the group.
Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.

It is a criminal offense to advocate or promote genocide.
The offense carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment.

Key Points:
Identifiable Group: The term "identifiable group" includes any section of the public distinguished by color, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.


Section 318(3) provides specific defenses, such as arguing that the statements were made in good faith to combat genocide or for educational or discussion purposes.
Consent Required: Under Section 318(4), proceedings for advocating genocide cannot be initiated without the consent of the Attorney General of Canada. This ensures that prosecutions are subject to higher scrutiny.

Related Section: Section 319
While Section 318 focuses on genocide, Section 319 deals with hate propaganda more broadly, such as inciting hatred against an identifiable group in a public place or willfully promoting hatred against such a group.

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