JEWS AT WORK: Facebook blacklists free speech video platform – Truth=Death for Jews!


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Video & Audio: Why the White Right EVERYWHERE always loses to Jews & Blacks
This is an angry video. In this video I discuss the politics of the white right, and why we are heading down a loser path to being losers yet again despite our MASSIVE PROGRESS in recent years.

[The Jewish filth are at work… as usual, the race of scum, silencing the truth. As Bobby Fischer, the world’s greatest Chess champion said “No lie is too big for a Jew, no lie is too small… Jews live by lying, and die with coming in contact with the truth.” Brighteon is not even radical. I run a tiny channel on Brighteon. Jews cannot tolerate anything. Here is what Brighteon posted below. Jan] is a popular, independent video platform that features humanitarian free speech videos including those of pioneering women like Dr. Judy Mikovits and Chinese freedom leader Jennifer Zeng.

As part of its war against courageous women who dare to challenge the status quo, Facebook has now blacklisted all links from and following the user posting of a documentary featuring Dr. Mikovits — “Plandemic” — which questions the standard narrative about the coronavirus vaccine and the W.H.O.

Various language versions of the Plandemic documentary were posted by other users, not by the owners or operators of or Yet because these videos were earning a large number of shares on Brighteon, as well as editorial coverage on Natural News, Facebook chose to blacklist all links from both platforms, regardless of the content, disallowing anyone from sharing any link from Brighteon or NaturalNews.

This means Facebook has blacklisted hundreds of thousands of videos and articles on gardening, smoothie recipes, nutrition, pet care, diabetes prevention, women’s reproductive health and other topics that offer extraordinary wisdom and aid for humanity. Because Brighteon is a free speech platform, it also hosts videos on more controversial topics, but this is the nature of a free speech platform. does not endorse the content of every video on its platform.

We believe that Facebook’s efforts to blacklist a competing content platform qualifies as illegal “anti trust” action under U.S. law, and we are asking for your help to demand Facebook remove its blacklisting of competing content platforms. (See action items below.)

Facebook is now dictating what you are allowed to read or even THINK about every subject of controversy

Facebook’s blocking of shared content links goes too far. Even when a user chooses to share a link that she finds valuable, Facebook decides that you can’t share the links you want to share because Facebook disagrees with the content. This fascist “digital book burning” approach allows Facebook to control every conversation, every debate and every “fact” by disallowing all views with which it disagrees.

In fact, by blacklisting entire websites that feature user-generated content such as videos and articles, Facebook is discriminating against all the users on those sites, regardless of the nature of their content (which varies widely).

Currently, Facebook is disallowing all views that contradict the W.H.O., which is obviously run by communist China, an anti-human rights regime with a long, documented history of organ harvesting, political executions and extreme violations of fundamental human rights. This puts Facebook in the position of protecting one of the most heinous anti-human rights political regimes in the history of human civilization. While courageous American scientists and brave Chinese dissenters are silenced, Facebook catapults the propaganda of communist China to the forefront, calling their lies “facts” while everyone who questions the propaganda is silenced.

Why is this tolerated in America? Why is Facebook even allowed to continue to exist when it demonstrates such disdain for the values of free expression that gave rise to America’s greatness?

Not surprisingly, Twitter has also banned our channels in order to prevent us from raising awareness about what appears to be coordinated, illegal censorship among techno-fascist corporations that are obviously protecting communist China and its W.H.O. propaganda institution that repeatedly downplayed the severity of the coronavirus outbreak and pressured the global community to keep air traffic open with China, even as Chinese citizens were spreading the virus around the world.

To defend our right to speak and share honest, humanitarian information that can help save lives and awaken minds, we need your help to voice our protest against Facebook and Twitter using the steps detailed below.

In the mean time, we are encouraging everyone to move over to the new social media network Here are the channels we’ve set up there which are just beginning to gain a following. Ditch Facebook and move to, which promises to respect all points of view and refrain from politically motivated censorship:

Here’s how you can join our protest against Facebook and Twitter: Follow the steps shown here

If you are a current Facebook user, try to share any link from NaturalNews on Facebook, such as these links:

When you try to share one of these links, you’ll see this message:


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Video & Audio: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: What is this at the house of a Treasonous Jew?
After the Communist Bolshevik Jew, Ronnie Kasrils had finished speaking, in January 2020, my friend and I had some coffee in the garden.

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