Video: S.Africa: When Blacks killed Whites in Church St James Church massacre
Here is some history they try to keep away from white people in America and Europe. They will never tell you about the day blacks came with AK47s and threw hand-grenades among whites in a packed church in South Africa.
[Australia is booming currently in its mining industry, and from what I can tell, it seems that Australia is filled with Jews, including Jews from SA. When you see Whites going crazy and stupid … go looking for the JEWS NEARBY!!! All this weird thinking in Australia … I'll bet you, it can be traced back to Jews. China was a totally f*cked up loser communist country … it was doing worse than the USSR … but did anyone notice how (((BUSINESS))) and industry and factories from the entire Western world was moved to China? Is it any wonder that China is now a problem? But how did the West's entire industrial and manufacturing base end up in China? Jews? If the West took its industry and science back, China would collapse. These Jews are screwing the whites while looking them straight in the eyes. That is a fact. When a Western country goes insane … just go looking for the Jews who are at work. It's that simple. And a lot of White women also fall for a lot of this Liberal crap that Jews peddle. Jan]
To those who ignore the requirements of future generations — those who only think of themselves with no planning for the requirements of future generations:
You voted for politicians to treat your grandchildren’s future with contemptuous disinterest, to sell it out from under them.
Have you given any consideration of future generations survival requirements or are you too busy and self-centered to care?
AUSTRALIA THE WORLD’S QUARRY, what happens when there is none left?
What do your grandchildren do for “their” nations income and industry?
When all the oil, gas, copper, gold, precious metals needed in modern technology, and other minerals have been sold to China and others, how do your descendants survive?
How do they power their homes and industry?
How do they process and cook their food, as you did or as caveman did?
Did anyone hear PM Scott Morrison object when the Foreign Investment Review Board allowed a CCP company in March to buy the lease of Cockatoo Island just off the West Australian coastline adjacent to a sensitive military training area used by the SAS?
It requires energy to think, intelligence to formulate thoughts, and wisdom to put them into practice — do you have any of these requirements?
Or do you default to other’s thinking and instructions, instead of using your own?
You are the beginning of your children’s and their children’s future,
Will you make it a success for them?
Or by your own inaction let others destroy it?
You have a responsibility to those who walked before you to make your life of value, their sacrifices in war and backbreaking toil of their life’s work for a better world for you, to make your life of value.
What are you doing to continue their work for your children and grandchildren?
When did you take a little of your time to tell your local MP and Senator, what you want them to do for your children’s future?
Too much trouble for you to take time away from your sport, pub, and other interests?
By your inaction you default your thinking and direction to those of lesser intelligence who have no concern nor interest in your children’s future — only their own.
Are you one of those who stand tall and proud on ANZAC DAY — then wilt with disinterest and lack of concern for your children’s future the next day?
Do you want a kook like Greens Senator Hanson Young deciding on the future of Australia?
It took years of hard work to produce the great Australia we know today, it took less than a decade for ALP and Green politicians to allow mentally deranged religious terrorists into your community to kill you — then take billions of you taxes to protect you from them — taxes that should have been spent on education and health for your family.
Our pioneers, community, parents and defences personnel set a standard for Australia to live by — in a decade you have allowed these standards to be destroyed by social engineers, word warpers, gender benders, the offence industry, and the those unable to analyse common sense into reality.
It’s never too late – ‘IF’ you care for your children and Australia’s future.
Take a deep breath, stand on your feet and let that bit of ‘snake’ in you rise to the surface, go and take your local politician head-on — as you did opponents on the football field years ago — tell them and their pathetically complaint staff that put you correspondence to them in the rubbish bin — that you have had a gutful, that you demand a better standard, no more twisted words and sexual distortions, we are male or female — what you do with it does not change your sex.
Labor Leader and Greens sympathiser Anthony Albanese, another China sycophant infesting our parliament, will allow China to settle vast areas of Northern Australia, more than they already own now. The ALP suggested China should take up this land in a parliamentary paper several years ago
Go back to a high standard of decency in the community teaching children basic subjects, English, Maths, Science — where factual history is taught and twisted, sanitised personal opinions in lieu of fact are banned — PROVE IT OR REMOVE IT, from teaching.
Everyone — it is up to us what direction our children and society goes forward into the future with. We must demand an improved standard from teachers, bureaucracy, politicians — or dissolve into a quagmire of confused nothing the Chinese are watching happen — as they let us destroy ourselves, making it easier for their planned invasion — it’s not far away.
They have control of land near every infrastructure, military establishment, ports, airports, parliaments, water supplies, roads, bridges, and power supplies — with permission of stupid state governments and prior federal governments — at least this federal government is taking action.
It has been revealed Chinese intention is to kill all defence personnel, politicians, community leaders, *non-productive people, and take ownership of your home with a bullet induced vacancy — as done in Tibet. *(Protestors note)
We provide them with all their construction and development material for their massive trillion-dollar military equipment, that will be attacking us in the future — have we gone mad?
Their biological weapons are well established, as detailed in ‘China Speaks’ by General Chi Haotain — Covid-19 was a test run to observe how it would cripple the West’s economy and military.
It provided the camouflage under the guise of Covid vaccination, to inoculation their population against the next one that will destroy Australia, the West and most of the world.
Then as detailed in ‘China Speaks’, “Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization”, “Only by using special means to ‘clean up’ America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves”. “It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans (and Australians). But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world”.
Israel’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies – advises more than 40 Chinese facilities are involved in bio-weapon production. It is reported they have a successful vaccine for Ebola Virus, highly infectious and usually fatal , and many other gain-of-function chimeric viruses (Lab created viruses with fatal components of others genetically fused).
You either stop them now or they will end your children’s future — like they did to the slaughtered Tibetans and those in Tiananmen Square on 4 June1989, where they shot, killed and injured an estimated 10,000 students, then ran over the dead and dying with tanks pulping their bodies, then scraped their bodies into heaps and burnt them — because they dared to have a different opinion to the government — the same government our politicians and industry suck-up to for dollars.
In a secret cable to Britain (BBC), British ambassador to China, Sir Alan Donald reported:
“….. at least 10,000 people were killed”, “Students linked arms but were mowed down including soldiers. Armoured Personnel Carriers then ran over bodies time and time again to make ‘pie’ and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains”. “Four wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted.”
Tiananmen Square on 4 June1989 — LEST WE FORGET
Wie is ons? Boere of Afrikaners? Antwoord van Dr Mike Du Toit
Ek het iemand gehad wat aan my geskryf het oor die onderwerp van Boere teenoor Afrikaners. Ek het besluit om Dr. Mike Du Toit te nader, wat die leier van die Boeremag was en ‘n professionele akademikus is wat baie goed ingelig is oor ons geskiedenis, om hierdie vraag te beantwoord. Dr. Du Toit weet nie net van ons geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook van ons geskiedenis in Europa. Hier is sy antwoord.