Jews and the US State Department


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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around

Re: VISA: So what I’m saying is that the law to nail all people in the White Right might be there – but that it is selectively applied when they think someone in particular could become a problem. I think it boils down to SELECTIVE APPLICATION. So everything is in place and then when Jews see someone they think should be stopped then they just notify the State Department and say: This person is here for racial/political/speaking – and he’s using the wrong VISA (e.g. travel) so revoke his VISA. And then it’s a slam dunk. I think this is how it works.

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Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.

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