Jewish School Teacher Arrested For Threatening To Slit Student’s Throat When She Objected To Israeli Flag In C lassroom


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A Note I wrote to Boers: How I awakened to the Jewish Issue and was shocked
This is a note I wrote to some folks I know. JanI USED TO HAVE JEWISH BEST FRIENDS, EVEN IN JERUSALEM IN ISRAEL, I WAS IN A SYNAGOGUE I USED TO BELIEVE EVERYTHING JEWS TOLD ME: I used to know a lot of Jews, and some of them were best friends. Theyd visit me or Id visit them. I worked with Jews.

[These Jews are never punished properly. I'm sure he'll get off the hook. Jan]

Benjamin Reese — a Jewish 7th grade social studies teacher in Warner Robins, Georgia, was arrested and charged with making terroristic threats and acts of cruelty to children, according to the Houston County Sheriff’s Office:

“A Warner Robins teacher is accused of threatening to behead a student after she made a comment about his Israeli flag, according to the Houston County Sheriff’s Office.

Benjamin Reese is a 7th-grade social studies teacher at Warner Robins Middle School. He was arrested on Dec. 8.

Several witnesses said they overheard Reese shouting “You motherfing piece of sh*t! I’ll kick your a. I should cut your motherfing head off,” around students on Friday.

According to the incident report, at around 3:30 p.m. on Dec. 7, a deputy was on duty when he was informed Reese threatened a child’s life. It happened in the 7th-grade technical hallway when students were on their way back to the 8th-grade hallway.

The report says a student wanted to talk to Reese about the Israeli flag in his classroom and told him she found it offensive.

Reese asked her if it had anything to do with Judaism. She wanted to know why it was hanging there, and Reese told the student he was Jewish and had family members who still lived in Israel.

The student says she found the flag offensive “due to Israelis killing Palestinians.”

Reese then told the student she was being antisemitic.

After that, several different witnesses independently said they heard Reese say, “he would kick her fking a, slit her godamn throat and drag her a** outside and cut her head off.”

A faculty member says she heard Reese say, “You don’t make an antisemitic comment like that to a Jew.” The witness says the student responded negatively to Reese but was not yelling.

The witness says the students left the classroom, but Reese followed them down the hallway.

The same witness says Reese was later seen returning to his classroom, cursing extremely loudly. The witness says he was yelling that he “should not be spoken to like that because he is a Jew.”

He went on saying, “I will drag her a** into the parking lot, slit her f*g throat and kill her.”

A deputy at the school interviewed several witnesses and they said they heard Reese make similar statements. They included other teachers, staff members and students who were in class for tutoring or after-school detention.

The deputy reviewed video from the hallway of what happened. The video has no audio but it showed Reese yelling down the hallway and heading back into his classroom.

The deputy informed the principal, Brett Wallace, about what happened. He also talked to Reese in his classroom with Wallace present.

Wallace asked Reese if he threatened students, and the report says Reese became very defensive.

Wallace asked who Reese had last spoken to, and he denied speaking to anyone.

He then told Wallace and the deputy that there was a student who found the Israeli flag in his classroom offensive. Reese told the student they were being antisemitic.

Reese went on to say that he did not say anything racist and that he had spoken to another teacher about the issue.

The deputy then led Reese from the hallway to his classroom. The report says Reese was angry about the situation and “kicked the door stopper in an aggressive manner.”

When the deputy asked what happened between Reese and the student, Reese asked if the deputy was asking as an SRO (School Resource Officer), or as an officer. The deputy said both, and Reese said he had nothing further to say and invoked his civil rights.

Reese then walked away without saying anything else, the report says.

Witnesses included other students and teachers with their classroom doors open. Some witnesses say the students were shocked to hear those words from Reese.

A judge set Reese’s bond at $2,500 for the terroristic threat charge and $5,000 for the charge of cruelty to children. Reese bonded out.

Houston County Schools issued this statement when 13WMAZ contacted them for comment:

“All employees of the Houston County School District are required to follow the Code of Ethics for Educators. If there is a violation or accusation of a violation, we investigate and respond appropriately. While we are not able to discuss specific personnel matters, we can share that Mr. Reese has not been on the campus of Warner Robins Middle School since Dec. 7, 2023. Safety and the well-being of our students and staff is our number one priority.”

Reese told the police that he didn’t make any “racist” statements to the child — which implies that the young student was probably black — but like most Jews, Reese is blind to his own Jewish supremacy.

By pointing out that he is a Jew — and should be afforded special treatment which allows him to terrorize children — Reese is the very definition of a racial, Jewish supremacist.

Though all Jews will deny it, they are brainwashed from the cradle into believing that they are special — or “God’s Chosen™” — and that there are therefore special rules for Jews and other rules for the goyim or “gentiles”.

For example, in 2019 a high school principal at the public school in Florida was fired for merely pointing out to his students that not everyone believed that the Holocaust™ actually happened — and that they should make up their own minds on the matter.

We reported on a similar case to the Reese affair earlier this year when David Schroeder — a Jewish public school teacher in Grafton, Wisconsin — threatened his black students with a baseball bat and guns, calling them “niggers.”

In 2019, a video was leaked of an rabbi instructor at an Israeli military academy admitting that Adolf Hitler’s racial supremacy doctrine was correct — but the only mistake Hitler made was not understanding that it is the Jews who are the superior race.

It’s no wonder that these narcissistic Jews in general have a much higher incidence of mental illness than the general population — they actually blame this mental illness on how they were victimized by the “barbarous Nazis” which literally “shrunk their brains” — but never on their multi-generational inbreeding — or endogamy — or their spurious “Israelite” identity based on lies.

For good reason, during the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire, Jews were forbidden from being teachers of Christian children — a wise policy that was re-instituted under the National Socialist in Germany.

As we see with Jewish teachers like Benjamin Reese and David Schroeder, there is a suppressed violence bubbling under the surface — and with the right “triggers”, that violence is revealed for all to see.

And if Jews were not held in check, as the case in Bolshevik Russia, any one of us who crossed them would be targeted for liquidation:

“If [the Jews] had the power to do to us what we are able to do to them, not one of us would live for an hour. But since they lack the power to do this publicly, they remain our daily murderers and bloodthirsty foes in their hearts.”

–– Martin Luther (1483-1546): On The Jews and Their Lies: 9/11, p. 141


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Video: S.Africa: 1 Boer fights 2 Blacks like a Boss!
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