Jewish PM Boris Johnson Claims That Britain Would Not Be Britain Without Its Jews


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ritish Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who himself has jewish ancestry, released a special video message wishing his fellow Jews a happy Hanukkah, and pledging the support of “every decent person” in Britain to combat rising antisemitism in the UK.:

“To all our Jewish friends, neighbors, and relatives, wherever you are in the world, let me wish you a very happy Hanukah,” said Johnson.

“And it is a time to celebrate not just the miracle of the oil but also your unique identity. To pop the Hanukah menorah in the window and say to the world just as Judah and his small band of poorly equipped Maccabees said to Antiochus III and his mighty Greek army all those years ago, ‘I am Jewish and I am proud of it.’”

Turning to contemporary anti-Semitism in the UK, Johnson said that while the Maccabees fought alone, British Jews will be aided in the fight against anti-Semitism by “every decent person” in the UK.

“And that’s really important right now, because I know that recent years have not been easy ones for British Jews. In the media, on the streets, and particularly online, anti-Semites have, in alarming numbers, been emboldened to crawl out from under their rocks and begin, once again, to spread their brand of noxious hatred far and wide.”

“But as you kindle the Hanukah light tonight and in the nights to come, I want you to remember this: When the Maccabees drove the forces of darkness out of Jerusalem, they had to do so on their own. Today, as Britain’s Jews seek to drive back the darkness of resurgent anti-Semitism, you have every decent person in this country fighting by your side.”

“Because Britain would not be Britain without its Jewish community.”

That all depends on your definition of “Britain”, Boris. Britain was originally founded by the “Brith” “Ish”, which is Hebrew for “People Of The Covenant”. And Britain or “Brith” “Ain” originally meant “Land Of The Covenant”.

This national identity was established long before a single fake-Hebrew Khazar Jew set foot in the land today known as Britain.

And after the Jews finally did manage to set foot in Britain, it didn’t take long for King Edward I in 1290 to expel them for practicing ruinous usury and abducting and killing Christian children as part of their ritual sacrifices.

But the Jews wouldn’t take “no” for an answer and 300 years later finally managed to bribe Oliver Cromwell to allow them back into Britain, in spite of its reputation among Jews for being ‘antisemitic’.

Upon their re-admittance, even though Edward’s Order Of Expulsion was never being legally overturned, they promptly set up the Bank Of England and enslaved the British people again under the boot heel of rapacious jewish usury.

Then starting in the 18th Century, Jews and other non-British, began to flood into England further blurring the lines between who is and who is not British, along with undermining the Christian character and faith of the native British people.

And then the Jews finally re-defined the term “British” to legally mean anyone, regardless of race, who is born within the geographical borders of Britain.

In that absurd sense, yes, today’s multicultural “Britain” would not be “Britain” without its Jews.


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Get a Free PDF Book: Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?
This is a classic pamphlet that was written decades ago. This was one of the first serious attempts to question the Jewish holocaust claims of WW2. The German Ernst Zundel went to jail for printing this small book in Canada! Zundel did not write this. This was written by someone in Europe. The original questioning of the Jewish holocaust began in Europe. It was a French professor who had been in a Concentration Camp during WW2 who realised that Jews were making claims that were not true. That is how people slowly began to question the Jewish holocaust story.

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