Jewish Israel: Are the Jew scum pretending it’s the End Time and trying to fool Christians?


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Video: JEWS102: The Jewish Strategy Of Lying
This is an important video I made several years ago where I analysed the Truth vs Lies as a strategy.

I have noticed that the screeching Jews are claiming that Israel is facing an existential threat. Of course the Zionist Christians think that big things are going to occur. But when I look at the military situation, as it’s developed in the Middle East, the Jews are stronger than ever, plus America is always on call ready to kill Arabs any time the Jews whine.

I really HATE the explanation that Israel is a Western Outpost in the Middle East. That’s a bunch of shit. Jews aren’t White and Israel was not created by Whites or for Whites. The Jews wanted that piece of land, and they must face the consequences. I find it disgusting that America rushes to defend the Jew rats. Jew rat Israel has no place in the Western world and is not part of the Western world. Whites should stand back and leave the Jews to face the Arabs by themselves.

I think the Jews are probably trying to scare the pro-Israel, Zionist types of Christians into standing by this worthless Jewish scum state. I truly hope White Christians would end their support for this ridiculous, ugly, Jew rat state.

I hate the way America and Germany all run to the aid of these treasonous, worthless, back-stabbing Jew scum.

Now America will give the Jew scum more money and weapons, plus the Jew scum now have entire carrier fleets in the area ready to kill any Arabs just because the Jews are screeching.

Meanwhile the Jews have insane fire power, and they should be fighting their own battles.

Whites should turn away from this Jew rat state and leave it to sink.

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Video: The Greatest Talent of the Jews...
Sometimes, even the Jews tell the truth in an odd moment! I discuss two key talents that Jews have that are often overlooked but which are important.

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