JEWISH HYPOCRISY: Pro-Palestinian man arrested and charged with hate crimes after calling for “curses upon the Jews,” but Israeli officials openly call for mass EXTERMINATION of all Palestinians and no one says or does a thing


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2 Pics: S.Africa: Is Willem Petzer controlled by a Jew?
During the interview I was asked about Willem Petzer who runs a very successful Youtube Channel. I was asked about his pro-Jewish stance.

[Yep, if someone curses the Jews then the Jews freak out and they go after your ass, but Jews can call for and execute the genocide of people and it's all good!!! Such utter hypocrisy. The tweets with the videos are at the source link below. Jan]

A man who was filmed in London this past week shouting all kinds of Islamic phrases about Allah (Arabic for God) cursing the infidels and cursing the Jews because of their mistreatment of the Palestinian people has been charged with a "hate crime" – because "Israel," in case you have not figured it out yet, is politically untouchable in the current – but crumbling – age.
The man can be seen in the below video holding a black flag, which is popular with activist Islamists, and a Palestinian flag, and shouting things like "Lannat Allah ala al-Yahood," which is Arabic for "May Allah’s curses be upon the Jews:"

Do conservatives really value free speech, or just the free speech they like?

In typical form, most of the right-wing media loves these kinds of videos and pushes them on their followers to stoke more hatred for the people of Gaza, the vast majority of whom have absolutely nothing to do with the Hamas group that Israel planted there for Gaza to de-legitimize Palestinian claims.

By making it appear as though all Gazans are radical terrorists hellbent upon killing everyone who is not one of them, the right-wing media machine, as well as the right-wing conservative "Christian" machine, has brainwashed millions into hating a people group that is being persecuted and now slated for genocide by an evil regime that calls itself "Israel."

In the U.S., men like this are still free to speak like this, though apparently not in Florida where right-wing zealot and Israeli patsy Ron DeSantis banned all free speech that the government considers to be "antisemitic," which these days seems to cover just about every viewpoint the government opposes.

"We have specialist officers with language skills and subject expertise assisting with this operation," wrote the United Kingdom’s Metropolitan Police Service in a post on X in pursuit of identifying the man so he can be arrested and charged with a "hate crime."

"The actions in the video amount to a hate crime offense. Officers are actively working to identify those in the video. Can you help? Call 101 (ref 6574855/23)."

This is the kind of thing the escapees from Great Britain tried to stop by coming to the United States and creating a constitution that protects free speech. Those undercutting this right now are radicals on both sides of the political aisle who want to silence people for saying politically incorrect things, in this case against a geopolitical government that calls itself "Israel."

The Metropolitan Police eventually got their wish, apprehending the man and making a public example of him to never question anything "Israel" does at any time, or else.

Here’s the prideful follow-up post shared by the Metropolitan Police about the man’s arrest and persecution (admittedly, he could also be a plant who got fake-arrested to scare all the real people out there into not doing what he did for fear of punishment):


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