Jewish Hell in Canada for a White man: Political Prisoner Leslie Bory Attacked Again in Prison


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White Shop: Hitlers Regard for Mothers: 1st Issue Mothers Cross Silver for 6-7 Children
The silver issue of the Mothers Cross was awarded to German mothers with 6 or more children, as a Fuhrergeschenk a gift from the Fuhrer.

Paul, Thank you and all of the people who protested to have me freed from prison. [CAFÉ’s most recent rally for Leslie was on Dominion Day.] I am very grateful to all of you heroes who took the time and made the effort to fight for freedom by advocating for the right to speak freely and remain free from violent coercion. It’s another day in Gulag Hurst [Maplehurst Correctional Centre].

A week ago, I got another taste of violent political terrorism. I got a blow to the back of my head from a crazy who said I pissed him off. Ironically, I had given his cellmate and him some bread to eat right before this happened. I was playing a board game with a group of guys when I thought I got punched from behind. … Later, a couple of guards showed me and others what had been used to hit me. It was a mace made from about 18 inches of braided bedsheet material with a pear as the weight.” – Leslie Bory

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Video & Audio: WW2 Lies: The Real SECRET Reason why Russia survived the German Invasion: The USA!!!
In October 1941, Hitler claimed that Russia had been totally defeated and it would never rise again. Modern Russians lie about WW2 claiming that they beat the Germans without any real help.

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